Love that this suggests that for vampires, it's all in their head
That’s what Terry Pratchett’s Carpe Jugulum tells us. With sufficient exposure and willpower vampires (or “vampyres” as this more modern variety calls themselves) can become immune to sunlight and holy symbols!
"Similar" is not identical. I'm assuming that slight difference is technically where the vampire-harming properties lie (lore-wise).
Kind of like how Duncan MacDougall published a study that human souls have weight, as he recorded someone losing 21 grams at the moment of their death. Not very significant at all, but perhaps humanity lies in the subtleties...
Reminds me of the part in Bloodlines where you (a vampire) are captured and they run a series of tests, including shining UV rays on you (it doesn't do anything).
This is funny, but I think stereotypical vampire lore still stands. I think it's only direct sunlight that is an issue. If a vampire stands in a room with an open window, but off to the side, they're generally considered fine. If light reflected off a wall is ok then why is the moon not?
count Dracula wasn't destroyed by sunlight, he just had weaker magical powers. during the day he could only change form at dawn, noon, and dusk, although he maintained that power throughout the entire night.
But he's the OV (Original Vamp). According to Supernatural logic, the Alpha monster is immune or isn't affected as badly by weaknesses as converted monsters.
I always head-canon that sunlight reflected off of moon rocks has some property that makes it not dangerous for vampires, sucks out the hamon or something.