I'm at a loss for words on this one.
125 1 ReplyIs this pipe?
100 0 ReplyCeci n'est pas une pipe
66 0 ReplyCeci n'est pas perdu
20 0 ReplyRene?
4 0 Reply
It is, isn't it
59 1 ReplyYes.
8 0 Reply
39 0 ReplyWtf this is AN HOUR LONG?!
16 0 ReplyIt’s worth every second.
12 0 ReplyIn a single shot, too.
10 0 Reply
Teachers explaining short stories be like
4 0 ReplyDon't tell me you Lost it
3 0 Reply
Now this is the kind of thing we should be beaming into space
32 0 ReplyGarfield and Jon at hospital. Garfield, his pipe lit.
24 0 ReplyGarfield, when Otis fell.
7 0 Reply
Ceci n'est pas perdu
31 1 ReplyIs this lasagna?
24 0 ReplyOh damn!
3 0 ReplyLossagna!
2 0 Reply
Is this win?
22 0 ReplyMeme-ception
21 0 ReplyCould you maybe please explain for those of us who only get half (or none) of it?
12 0 ReplyLoss
14 1 ReplyIt's an internet meme culture thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_(comic)
Particularly, the section "Legacy as an internet meme" is relevant.
3 0 Reply
All my life has been preparing for this moment.
16 0 ReplyThat's not a pipe!
11 0 ReplyThat cat sure does love lasagna.
8 0 Replythat is not a pipe
8 0 ReplyNow where could Loss be?
8 1 ReplyHe smokes because of his daddy issues
3 0 Reply