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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 219
Trump to make taped remarks to a Christian group that calls for abortion to be 'eradicated entirely'
  • Nah. Then they'd just be embarrassed they had been pushing a book with such a woke lefty agenda. Some might even learn that they can throw away most of that commie stuff in the later parts of the book, and just keep the juicy bits they liked in the first half about how men are in charge, and slavery is okay so long as you follows some rules. Oh, except Revelations. That part rocks, let's keep that. In fact... Let's make it happen. That would be so sick.

    /s (even though I really shouldn't have to)

  • The Speech That Military Recruiters Don't Want You To Hear
  • Holy shit... How can you rightly identify that the US military (and the US government's use of said military) is evil, and that killing people for their ideas just spreads those ideas, but then somehow come to the conclusion that public health mandates during a pandemic are unconstitutional and "billionaires in this country got rich by actually serving their fellow man"?

    Fucking hell, the propaganda machines are in overdrive.

    Appreciate a veteran telling kids not to join the military. (Assuming this was written by an actual veteran, and isn't just fictional propaganda.)

    The rest is idiotic corpo bootlicking unrelated to the topic.

  • DNC billboard knocks Trump as ‘convicted white-collar crook’ ahead of campaign rally
  • I'm starting to give legitimate consideration to the question, "Are they trying to lose?"

    I know, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence", but... Come on! At what point is it no longer an "adequate explanation"?!

  • Is there a website to see where US tax dollars are going at a state, county, district, and federal level?
  • I somehow don't think we'll find a site that breaks down every purchase the government has made, let alone one that specifically detects and highlights corruption.

    So I guess the official budgets are the best I can do to helpfully answer the question. Sorry.

  • Our whole organized socioeconomic apparatus expanded into the twenty-first century on this basis
  • The whiplash when I realized it wasn't a critique of those ideas but endorsing them.

    It literally read like they were outlining those positions as straw men to be torn down, and then was like, "Yep! That scarecrow has the right idea!"

  • Donald Trump's "foamy saliva" in campaign video raises questions
  • I want to see this variation of a zombie movie.

    Patient zero is a prominent politician.

    His handlers continue to puppet him, because they already spent so much on his campaign.

    Followers literally line up to be bitten and infected.

  • You get to choose one super power you see on fictional media, What do you choose ?
  • Imagine how hard it would be to resist wording things in the Imperative just... Accidentally.

    You get frustrated, yell "Shut up!" at someone in passing, and that person is now mute unless you realize your mistake and undo it.

  • Trump Supporters Issue Threats of Violence Online After Guilty Verdict
  • To confirm what you mean by "I'm a conservative", which of these commonly held "conservative" beliefs (each which implies a lack of empathy) do you not subscribe to (i.e. "I don't think like that...")

    • Black people only get harassed by police more often because they commit more crime.
    • Gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry.
    • Women should not have the choice of abortion.
    • The state is allowed to infringe upon free speech to prevent you from telling children about gay people.
    • Foreigners are ruining this county.
    • Climate change is a lie.
    • COVID was a lie.
    • Contemporary statues honoring Confederate traitors and slave owners are "honored cultural heritage".
    • All corporate media lies about Donald Trump, except that corporate media which supports him.
    • Rich people earned all that money, and we have no right to take it back, or to limit how they use it.
  • Your religion should not dictate my life
  • To be fair, this comic isn't just about abortion. It could also apply to things like "modesty" laws in places like Iran.

    It doesn't matter what the ice cream represents. If the argument for a law is wholly religious in nature, then it is unjust.

  • Temporal Prime Directive: Get Out of Jail Free?

    Excuse me if this post isn't up to the usual standards of Daystrom Institute, but as I'm looking for an in-universe discussion of this topic, this community felt the most appropriate.

    Does anyone else feel like the Temporal Prime Directive is a potential security risk? You're a security officer, and you find an intruder on board. Before you can call it in, they implore you "Stop! Temporal Prime Directive! This is important!"

    Now you've paused, thinking any action could cause a temporal paradox, or damage to the future timeline.

    Hell, just that pause alone might be enough for them to draw a weapon on you and neutralize you, if they are hostile.

    But, assuming they don't attack, suppose the intruder says "I can't tell you what I'm doing or why, but just know it's imperative, and I have to remain hidden. Please go about your business and ignore me."

    You're in a catch 22. If you leave them be, it could turn out they are an enemy spy or saboteur. If you report them, it could turn out they are telling the truth, and you cause a big temporal problem.

    This question is inspired by VOY S05E24, "Relativity", where Seven of Nine is sent back in time to Voyager (before she had joined the crew), and she gets caught and confronted by Janeway. Ultimately, Janeway doesn't just take Seven at her word, and makes her explain what's going on, but I'm not sure we should be taking cues on the proper application of the Temporal Prime Directive from Captain Kathryn Janeway.

    What are your thoughts?
