While I was asleep, apparently the site was hacked. Luckily, (big) part of the lemmy.world team is in US, and some early birds in EU also helped mitigate this.
As I am told, this was the issue:
There is an vulnerability which was exploited
Several people had their JWT cookies leaked, including at least one admin
Attackers started changing site settings and posting fake announcements etc
Our mitigations:
We removed the vulnerability
Deleted all comments and private messages that contained the exploit
Rotated JWT secret which invalidated all existing cookies
The vulnerability will be fixed by the Lemmy devs.
Many thanks for all that helped, and sorry for any inconvenience caused!
While we believe the admins accounts were what they were after, it could be that other users accounts were compromised. Your cookie could have been 'stolen' and the hacker could have had access to your account, creating posts and comments under your name, and accessing/changing your settings (which shows your e-mail).
For this, you would have had to be using lemmy.world at that time, and load a page that had the vulnerability in it.
Hijacking the top comment to say I had problems with logging in to Lemmy.world today and liftoff was failing in odd ways.
I had to go into my web browser and clear my site cookies for lemmy.world to let me log in there.
In liftoff I had to go into the app settings in android to clear the cache and then remove and re-add my account for it to be able to log me in. (Press and hold on the account to remove it)
I’m on iOS with the Memmy app. It’s a work in progress that’s officially unfinished so I’m not surprised but it has also been a bit buggy. Doesn’t seem that I can log out without deleting and reinstalling the app so hopefully this doesn’t happen too often XD
In liftoff I had to go into the app settings in android to clear the cache and then remove and re-add my account for it to be able to log me in. (Press and hold on the account to remove it)
Good PSA. It took me a bit to figure it out, the app doesn't make this obvious.
Oh, I was wondering why it was showing me as logged in but wouldn't let me upvote due to not being logged in. Your liftoff psa just cleared that right up for me, thanks!
Negative one upvotes would mean that enough people disliked me/another poster to bring my upvote total to zero. (Upvotes and likes are effectively the same thing, it’s just a naming convention). Reddit totals them up and seemingly Lemmy does as well.
I wish hackers would invest their time in clearing credit card debt, deleting hospital fees, or something else that actually serves the public good, instead of hacking ordinary people just trying to get by.
Deleting hospital fees/debt is very dangerous... In many HUGE regions in the US there's only one hospital and if that hospital suddenly can't pay its bills it could shut down, leaving a whole lot of completely innocent people in a very sad, people-are-dying sort of state.
Hospitals are special in that they're often evil organizations (not all though) that are some of the easiest to hack but also provide critical services to the most vulnerable. One should tread lightly. Political solutions are better (hack some politicians that are against healthcare reform instead).
Clearing credit card debt via hacking is nearly impossible but I agree it would be a much more ethical choice for hackers to target. I used to work for the credit card industry. My unique insider perspective, deep industry knowledge, and personal experience is here to let you know they suck. They are just as evil and unethical and unnecessary as everyone thinks they are! Seriously: If Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and all the lesser players suddenly disappeared the world would be a better place.
Before that can happen though people need a backup payment method that doesn't go through their systems and no: Cash won't work (there's not enough in circulation and it's dangerous to carry large amounts of it). The credit card companies know this threat exists which is why they lobbied Florida (and probably other states) to outlaw alternative, government-run forms of payment (e.g. central bank currency).
As soon as people have a widely accepted payment option that doesn't go through Visa and MasterCard's middlemen (e.g. First Data) then hackers can take their gloves off! Until then though... Let's keep the payment infrastructure working, OK? Thanks!
There's no limit to the amount of good deeds hackers can do though. So let's encourage that! For example, there's plenty of cartels and evil religious organizations (e.g. Taliban, ISIS, Mormon Church, Prosperity Gospel scam artists) that have plenty of money to spare and enormous attack surfaces 👍
I think the alternative payment systems in the developing countries are actually good. UPI in India is very utilitarian. China also has the wechat thing. I guess the issue with these are that they are not universal and limited to a single country.
clearing credit card debt, deleting hospital fees, or something else that actually serves the public good,
Inflation does very clearly not serve the public good. That aside, causing havoc in banks and medical institutions would have other unpleasant effects.
Further 3rd party heads up -- for us nontech refugees:
If it looks like you are logged in, you may not be. I use Connect, and at your reminder, I clicked my acct and it says I was logged in. I tried to comment that Connect login was working, and my comment didn't show up.
I tried again, only to see an ”error: not logged in” message pop up.
Signed out, signed in again manually, and all is well.
So do a double check, Lemurs. Trust in your actions, not your eyes.
For capable people this is a minor annoyance but whenever there’s an “everyone needs to login again” issue, we will lose mere mortal users. In this case it wasn’t even clear that was needed - I appeared to be logged in but nothing worked. Ordinary users give up over things like this. I’ve seen it happen many times on sites where I had access to the analytics. I hope we regard this as a really bad thing to be avoided at all costs and not a “no big deal, just log in again.” Easy for you, easy for me, many others will just bail.
Also I am curious, what's the easiest way to currently reach the admins in case this happens again somehow? Two of them on their account have been seemingly inactive for a month and as per your own statement you rarely check your notifications and dms. Is there a discord somewhere for it?
So all our cookies are negated now with the JWT changed, and we just needed to login again? Can attackers have stolen our cookies in order to use our accounts to post as if it was us? I'm sure they were only interested in admin cookies, so most others were "useless" to them? I see nothing wrong with my posts so I should be safe, right?
First - really good summary and sounds like everyone is working hard.
Cross posting the below comment.
Under GDPR if you have had a data breach you have a legal obligation to assess whether you need to report it and you must make the report within 72 hours of discovering the breach.
There are other types of reportable breaches too, I only mention data as it sounds most likely. You may or may not be subject to PECR which may also have been breached although less likely. I don’t really have enough familiarity with the regulation to discuss that one.
If you are not sure if there has been a breach you may also need to discuss it with the relevant body or make a report.
Please can you update what action you have taken regarding this and if the incident was reportable or not and the reasons why. Edit - from that new information, it sounds like this is a reportable breach.
For a full understanding, it would be good to know if you had 2FA enabled on the compromised account particularly as it had admin privileges and if so how 2FA was circumvented with this exploit.
It would also be good to know what measures you have in place to prevent the same or other malicious attempts on your Open Collective and Patreon accounts as issues with those are potentially more serious. They may not be vulnerable to this, but it is going to be reassuring to know there is good security practice, 2FA protection etc enabled and you have robust procedures in place.
If a valid browser token gets stolen like in this case, then MFA won't do much good because the stolen token will already have been authenticated. Linus Tech Tips experienced the same thing recently, you can check out their channel.
That makes sense, thanks so much - there's a few good explanations here which really help! Would it be right in saying that all affected servers should be logging off all users - some have but not sure if all.
Mainly it just seems to be fodder to be used in lawsuits to make people comply with others security wishes. Not certain how all that works since cities are covered in public cameras.
I am not sure how a platform like this will work with GDPR - each server will be responsible themselves, but how it works with the flow of data between servers and who the regulators would have cases against - I think that is to be tested at some point.
Can 2FA be enabled for all users? I don't see the link to activate it after saving.
Yeah, this doesn’t work at all. The apps don’t open links anymore. I tried some github site that reads the link and generates a QR, but the codes don’t work. This is a complete waste of time.
This is not about turning you in, this is about protecting your users who all possibly just became victims of a crime, and for good reasons it's not fully upon you to decide whether the possible consequences of this are serious for those users.
It's more that many people expect those handling their data to be seen to follow the correct procedures and be trusted to handle the data in a fair, transparent, safe and secure way - and in addition to protecting their users, companies are probably encouraged to abide by the regulations because it is very easy for anyone to report where they think action needs to be taken, and regulatory bodies may be more lenient where correct process has been followed.
If I chance a speeding or parking ticket I can't be fined nearly 20 million pounds, although I wouldn't trust some parking companies not to try it! (I'm not saying that would be the case in this instance.)
The post contained some instruction to display custom emoji.
So far so good.
There is a bug in JavaScript (TypeScript) that runs on client's machine (arbitrary code execution?).
The attacker leveraged the bug to grab victim's JWT (cookie) when the victim visited the page with that post.
The attacker used the grabbed JWTs to log-in as victim (some of them were admins) and do bad stuff on the server.
Am I right?
I'm old-school developer/programmer and it seems that web is peace of sheet. Basic security stuff violated:
User provided content (post using custom emojis) caused havoc when processing (doesn't matter if on server or on client). This is lack of sanitization of user-provided-data.
JavaScript (TypeScript) has access to cookies (and thus JWT). This should be handled by web browser, not JS. In case of log-in, in HTTPS POST request and in case of response of successful log-in, in HTTPS POST response. Then, in case of requesting web page, again, it should be handled in HTTPS GET request. This is lack of using least permissions as possible, JS should not have access to cookies.
How the attacker got those JWTs? JavaScript sent them to him? Web browser sent them to him when requesting resources form his server? This is lack of site isolation, one web page should not have access to other domains, requesting data form them or sending data to them.
The attacker logged-in as admin and caused havoc. Again, this should not be possible, admins should have normal level of access to the site, exactly the same as normal users do. Then, if they want to administer something, they should log-in using separate username + password into separate log-in form and display completely different web page, not allowing them to do the actions normal users can do. You know, separate UI/applications for users and for admins.
Am I right? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Again, web is peace of sheet. This would never happen in desktop/server application. Any of the bullet points above would prevent this from happening. Even if the previous bullet point failed to do its job. Am I too naïve? Maybe.
Can we get another admin to sign off on this being authentic? In other words, short of a signed GPG signature how do we trust announcements after a breach where admin accounts are compromised?
Thanks for the work. As a heads up it appears most of the block instances are back however I believe explodingheads is still missing which you may want to confirm.
As of the time of me posting this comment, exploding heads is appearing in my feed with some anti lgbt posts. Idk what’s going on because I’m pretty sure they’re supposed to be defederated currently
probably looking for obvious patterns like "onload="... in image and link tags, because an onload event handler would usually never be put in those tags otherwise so the only plausible explanation is that it's a XSS attack
I wish I knew. I tried logging into Lemmy yesterday and I was kept giving this message. I thought it might be relevant and saved this snip. I am only about to post this pic now. I did whitelist Lemmy on Malwarebytes after as well.
Admin of derp.foo here. My best guess is Hetzner gave me an IP that had been used to host a botnet C&C before. As a precaution I switched to a new VPS; please contact me via matrix at @irdc:tchncs.de if the problem persists.
the details of the vulnerability are already known now anyway since there's a fix that was proposed on the Lemmy GitHub so I don't think it will hurt others to talk about it
How do we know that this isn't a fake announcement as well, trying to give us a sense of security???
Just kidding, thanks for letting us know! Thank god I haven't been too active the last few days! Can't afford my credentials being leaked, maybe I should be proactive and change my password anyways.
Do we have any details on how Michelle's account was compromised? Right now in the GitHub issue about the vulnerability they're clueless about how the custom emoji exploit could be performed without first an already compromised admin account.
Had to clear my browser catch to log in, Jerboa still shows as not logged in even after logging out which you do by clicking the hamburger menu then click the top banner to change/log out of accounts. This post is a test to see if my account works again via browser lol.
Edit: clearing app data/cache for Jerboa fixed the login issue.
Took me a bit to realize I actually had to log out and log back in on Jerboa since it looked like I was still logged in but some interactions didn't work
JWT stands for JSON Web Token. It's basically a way for a server (lemmy's) to put a piece of information in your browser in a way that makes sure it come from the server. It (usually) uses some form of digital signature. You can think of it as a note someone gave you with their signature, assuming said signature is very hard/impossible to counterfeit. The next time you see that person, they don't have to remember you, they just have to check the signature. If it is valid, anything written on the note is taken at face value.
When you connect to a site, there are a few steps to validate that you are who you say you are (identification and authentication). Something like inputing you login/password. Since it would be tedious to do that on every requests, the first time you give your login/password to the server (this is the simplified version, this exchange is a bit more complex usually) the server gives you that JWT. For every subsequent requests, your browser automatically send that JWT that is simple to handle but hard to counterfeit, and the server safely knows that you're whoever is written in that JWT.
I assume there will be a post here when more details are known, or that this post itself will be updated. As with any online service, it's up to the service to decide if they want to communicate.
(it may also be a legal requirements in some places to tell user when such an event occurs).
Since we're talking about obtaining other user's authentication token including an admin, it is safe to assume that whatever an admin can see has leaked. This can range from basic user informations to more private stuff, although I am not familiar with the software behind lemmy.
Note that this is a worst-case scenario; an admin impersonator could have access to anything an admin could see, it does not mean they immediately dumped everything. It depends on their motivation.
Protection against this kind of stuff
Compromission of the JWT can happen in many ways and I don't know which way was used. But if there's a flaw in the software used (the lemmy's client-side code, for example) there is not much you can do.
JWT can leak through many things :
server compromission (out of your control)
client-side compromission (only happens when using a browser; applications that uses API should be less susceptible to that)
vulnerable extension: if you have browser extensions, they can easily peek into what's happening in any given page (that's their whole purpose). Malicious extensions, or extensions that allow outsider's some kind of control over them can leak data
browser vulnerability: keep your browser up-to-date, and (this is controversial) stick to a family of well-enough known browser. That obscure browser that have 20 users worldwide and is based on a three years old version of chromium is not the best thing to use
keep your data safe: only put the minimum required amount of data on any service. For lemmy, I assume an email address and your login/password is the bare minimum (well the email is already extra, but it's very convenient to have). Some services really likes to get everything they can out of you.
Basically, stay up to date and don't use shady stuff. Easy to say, I know.
1 - jwt is the authentication cookie u get when u sign in with ur password, ur browser stores the jwt and then any further interaction authenticates using it
2 - yes, userscripts, extensions, custom frontends, apps, all apps have access to jwt
I think this is a strong reminder: We shouldn't put all our eggs in one basket. This will happen again. Unlike Reddit, we don't need to concentrate all communities on one instance. We should all make an effort to spread out. Some other general use instances are:
Again, for those new, you can post content to any of these instances and interact with content from other instances at the same time, just like you can send an email from your Gmail account to your ProtonMail account.
Despite the fact that Lemmy is a fairly new piece of software, which makes these issues more likely, I am really grateful for it being open source, and I really appreciate this level of transparency.
If you don't use a randomly generated password, it's a good idea to change it anyway. Not because of this specific attack but in general. For the longest time the Lemmy software was just a hobby of a very small group of individuals. While the back-end is written in Rust and probably more robust than the PHP code over at Kbin, I don't think a proper security review was ever conducted, so there's a not so small chance there will be some additional growing pains in the somewhat near future.
According to the admin, no, but changing your password and keeping your data safer is always totally fine to do and you should probably do it every once in a while regardless.
as someone who uses the app, extremely little effect from my experience, I didn't notice something was wrong at all until people pointed it out due to how liftoff does the whole sidebar thing for the instance.
It's still better to change your account password and clear your cache.
There is no need to get notified, they didn't steal passwords, just session cookies. Most (all?) servers have invalidated all the user login cookies, but if you are in doubt, just logging out and back in should be enough to get a new cookie.
At least now we can mark off the "disruptive website defacement attack" line on the checklist of (relatively) new website growing pains. Better to have them make lots of noise and get fixed quickly than quietly do sneaky things in the background.
Thanks for your efforts. I know that Lemmy was put in place rather quickly as a Reddit alternative.
But I'm genuinely hopeful that this will be a good alternative.
On Liftoff, I had to clear cache and storage in order to log back in. Still having issues with the website on Chrome, which keeps telling me I'm not logged in after clearing cache and logging back in.
PGP private keys are harder to steal than JWTs, as they are not generally stored as a long-term cookie but briefly just to sign something. Through XSS (the vulnerability in this case), cookies are relatively easy to steal, but to steal a PGP key would require a more complex script able to steal the key at the time it is loaded in the browser (assuming the signing feature is implemented in the browser). It's a bit more sophisticated, but not totally bulletproof.
It's probably a good idea to have official announcements be signed, that way it's obvious when they're actually posting officially or if they are compromised.
Does an admin account have any permissions to view email addresses or data of registered users?
Did MichelleG not have 2FA enabled?
Now that this has happened, it's be worth pushing this issue through as high priority. If HttpOnly was enabled, then an admin takeover would not have been possible.
To answer one question, the admins are able to view email addresses I believe. My knowledge comes from "I read it in a comment awhile ago that sounded credible" so I could be wrong.
One thing I don't get. Custom emojis can only be created by an admin, but you're saying an admin's account here got compromised because of that and not the other way around. Does that mean that an evil instance set a custom emoji with the injected JavaScript and propagated it to the federated instances?
From the fix, I believe the custom emojis were not double checked after a user submits a post. The post data was used to display the emojis, and thus allowing injection.
The fix now is to search the emojis in the custom emojis list from the backend rather than the user post.
That doesn't surprise me. Especially the "homemade" instances. The documentation is severely lacking and I had to fix lots of stuff in the instructions with try&despair to make my instance run.
There's not a great focus in security if your application starts with "step 1: install docker"
I had to create a new account. I tried enabling 2FA on my main account a week ago, but was never able to generate a token. Now when I try logging in it is asking for my 2FA token. Is there any way to get my account back. I'm a moderator of a community.
TIP: if you can't login after what happened, clear out your browser cache including ALL cookies, that fixes it (it did for me at least). I believe it's also advisable to change lemmy password.
I can't log into my account anymore, this one is a new one I've just made. I tried to reset my password but nothing came in the mailbox. I can still see comments and posts from that account though.
It's this one:
And I don't know why but I can't save the profile pic for this account.
Edit: Nvm, I use another email to sign up for Lemmy and forgot about it
This is so sad lmao rip. With any site growing as fast as these instances (because of the Reddit folk) Ig these attacks are to be expected. Hope everyone's accounts and personal info are okay
This is why I've decided against running my own Lemmy instance. Too much work to have to keep up constantly with updating, too big of an attractive target for attackers.
I am still not sure about it, but if a compromised comment reached your instance (through federation) and users in your instances viewed that comment, they have been hacked too.
MAYBE you are safe If your instance has no custom emojis enabled.
Thanks for the transparency. Was having issues with Lemmy, now seems everything back to normal. Got a question, Just to add an extra layer of security, Do i need to use ToR or VPN with Lemmy ?
I noticed this morning for a small amount of my posts with pictures, maybe 5-10%, the pictures were deleted or missing. Not sure if this is related to the incident.
Thank you for taking the time to update this :) Hope everything will be sorted out without people being scared. As a layman, was any user data compromised?
It's a nice reminder that those with the skills but not the bad intentions would be welcome to look through the source code for vulnerabilities and report/patch anything they might find. :)
It seems there is no way in Lemmy to invalidate all your session cookies? Without that, how can you secure an account which has a stolen session cookie?
No, the vulnerability was due to a client-side bug in the Lemmy web UI. Mobile apps render content in a different way, and are not vulnerable to this kind of attack (apart from in exceptional circumstances).
Is it possible cookies for other websites were scraped? I was logged in to .world at the time; I have logged out of all accounts, and reset passwords as a precaution, but want to know if I should be on the lookout from this.
No, in general it's not possible because the code in a page cannot access cookies that are bound to other domains. It is only possible if the "other" site misconfigured its own cookies (which is really not likely for stuff you would care about).
What are the risks for people who use Jerboa for Lemmy? I logged put and back in and there doesn't seem to be any issues, so are the app users excluded from this?
There is no risk for people who were using apps like Jerboa. This was a web specific bug. And now that the login tokens have been invalidated, there isn't anything for web users to worry about either.
I had an issue of being logged out of my account and could not log back in, after closing and reopening the site, closing browser, etc until I cleared my cookies, then it let me back in. If that helps anyone.
I found this in my private messages, when an attack was happening I messaged the guy “are you ok” and he replied back to me with an image of my own message… I wonder if this was similar to what was done here? Was 8 days ago
Um, probably coincidence or a false posi, but malwarebytes is labeling lemmy.worldtoday as being compromised / malicious when following external links, it's only popped up twice, but here's a slightly redacted log file:
No need if it was JWT token. After you use your password to log in, the server send your browser/app a JWT token. It uses this token whenever it requests anything from the server, to show that your logged in for this session, and the server can look at the token and tell who it gave the token to, show it knows you're logged in.
All that is to say, logging out will mark any leaked token as no longer valid, and when you log back in you'll have a new, non-hacked login token.
I thought I’d lost mine too, and when I checked the community I wasn’t subbed. I could still view my profile, comments and posts though.
I cleared the cache, then tried to post here and it said I was logged out (even though I could see all my activity except subs). I couldn’t see any way to logout, so I edited my profile and re-entered my password then hit save. That seems to have fixed it, now I can post and my subs are back.
You will have to login again for those apps. As far as we know, the exploit doesn't allow someone to actually steal your password directly, just the session you were logged into.
However, it is my personal opinion that you should change your password anyway out of an abundance of caution.
Well done on acting on it so quickly. I think I did see some of the fake announcements you were referring too but were taken down very quickly. Keep up the good work team and thanks for everything you are doing!
Is this why Jerboa seems to not work any more? It keeps insisting I'm not logged in, when I am, showing me as anonymous, but also showing my profile details, not letting me interact with things, etc... It's been a big problem these past few days making Lemmy unusable :-(
******* This happened to me, one of my posts had it's photo deleted (I didn't delete it), then when I replaced it, the next time I checked the entire post had been deleted.
Because I am obsessed with bugles, any comment or post I make that does not manage to fit bugles in somewhere (because I always have room for bugles) will be an imposter!
Thank you for the transparency and keeping my nefarious bugle consumption private!
Maybe there needs to be a quick rundown how to actually log out and in on clients, seems you can't with jerboa without just wiping the app, and wefwef, you need to delete all accounts.
I was unable to log in, it looped me & said I logged in, but did not. I read this post, cleared my cache, and I was able to log in (and change my password).
Is there a rough time range when it happened? and any news about other big instances like lemmy.ml? Are those safe? Currently they are not on the same version as lemmy.world.
2:11 UTC is my first record of the event taking place, but keep in mind the attacker could have injected code long before without noticeable impacts. There's no way to be completely certain they didn't steal tokens and access accounts before they made themselves known.
Had an issue at work not long ago involving stolen tokens and back then it looked as if the token was scraped along with a lot of other web traffic and then about 12 days later they gained access.