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ulu_mulu Ulu-Mulu-no-die
Posts 28
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MX Linux 23 “Libretto” released
  • I use the XFCE version, it's around 400 MB idle, fluxbox should be even less I think.

  • Hexbear Statement
  • I don't have any idea of who they are, but I don't get it: we're not preemptively defederating from Meta because it would be closed minded to do so (as per your admin decision), while Meta bad behavior is well documented (they've been fined by EU several times already), and we want to preemptively defederate from these people without even knowing how they will actually behave? Why? Shouldn't they be "innocent until proven guilty"?

  • [Done] Lemmy world was upgraded to 0.18.3 today (2023-07-30)
  • Sorry for those

    It's not your fault :) We know you admins are working really hard to keep the server as stable as possible.

  • What distribution is most used in production environment
  • I work for a big enterprise, we have RHEL on all our Linux servers save for a few that are SuSe for SAP.

  • Updated List of Confirmed Quantum Courser Mounts
  • That's so cool, some pretty rare mounts in there too!

  • Can you easily communicate in your country (business/private life) without being involuntarily forced to use whatsapp?
  • Microsoft Teams is the official communication tool for business where I work, no need to use whatsapp tho a few colleagues use it for fluff, as for personal/family, some of my family use whatsapp but I don't (I use Discord), if we want to talk to each other we use "good old-fashioned" phone calls :D

  • update: Downtime today / Cloudflare
  • Thank you for the amazing job, as always! Cloudflare is a solid solution :)

  • As requested: (MLMYM)
  • Haha this is amazing :D

  • Relics Bring New Equipment to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure –
  • Well, to be honest, I believe runes are quite bloated currently, there are several that are basically useless and sometimes you can't choose the best stats because the set bonus can be more important depending on the build, so a rework was needed in my opinion.

    BUT I agree they didn't think it properly, tho I believe we have to see the actual implementation before we can make a final judgment.

    I'm currently on a wait and see approach.

  • Relics Bring New Equipment to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure –
  • When the expansion launches, each character of level 60 or above will receive a relic chest to get you started in the new system with a choice of three core relics (exact number subject to change). Additional core relics will not be account bound and can be crafted and shared between players

    I appreciate they listened and are now giving one box per char instead of one per account.

    As for legendaries, I'll wait for the full list of requirements and what kind of progress is unlocked before we can say it's "significant", tho their solution looks reasonable to me.

  • Relics Bring New Equipment to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure –
  • I think it's just bad wording, they've been calling it relics all the time because they initially didn't account for a legendary one, but I very seriously doubt there will be more than one legendary.

  • Relics Bring New Equipment to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure –
  • When the expansion launches, each character of level 60 or above will receive a relic chest to get you started in the new system with a choice of three core relics (exact number subject to change). Additional core relics will not be account bound and can be crafted and shared between players

    I appreciate they listened and are now giving one box per char instead of one per account.

    As for legendaries:

    Legendary relics will be introduced to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure during one of the quarterly releases in 2024. These prestigious relics will offer the convenience of freely swapping between the various relic effects. Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics. In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics. We’ll be able to share more details when we are closer to the launch of legendary relics next year.

    Seems reasonable, tho I'll wait for the full list of requirements and what kind of progress is unlocked before we can say it's "significant".

  • What Happened to Dolphin on Steam?
  • Oh didn't know that, thanks!

  • What Happened to Dolphin on Steam?
  • I agree those arguments have no legal ground, but I don't believe emulators are made with the primary purpose of circumventing protections, it's just naive to think people wouldn't use them for that purpose IMO.

  • What Happened to Dolphin on Steam?
  • Haha :D English is not my first language, if the wording is not correct or there's a better way of saying it, I welcome any correction :)

  • What Happened to Dolphin on Steam?
  • Valve then forwarded us the statement from Nintendo's lawyers, and told us that we had to come to an agreement with Nintendo in order to release on Steam.

    We all know Nintendo is a bitch and there's nothing illegal in emulators, but Valve's stance looks reasonable to me, it would be serious damage to Steam if they were involved in legal litigation.

  • Datamined Broom Mount Source Added - Upcoming Trading Post Reward
  • I doubt it, if it was you can imagine the uproar about every other mount still having a cast bar.

    That's not to say I wouldn't love it, I love instant mounts in GW2, but in WoW either they make all mounts instant or they better do none.

  • Datamined Broom Mount Source Added - Upcoming Trading Post Reward

    The broom mount previously datamined during Patch 10.1.5 now has a source - The mount is an upcoming Trading Post reward. This also means we have our first permanent broom mount!

    Datamined Broom Mount Source Added - Upcoming Trading Post Reward

    I know it's fluff but I will love this on my warlock :D

    A face only a mom could love
  • She's gorgeous!

  • Fortnite collaboration/references in WoW datamined
  • Why all the negative comments? What's wrong with having some tribute to another game?

  • Blog post on relics and legendary runes delayed by 2 days, will come on the 20th.

    > Hello friends,

    > I'm here with an update that the blog is coming on the 20th. As we said in Rubi's original post, it takes us time to lock text down and get it through our publishing pipeline. Please accept my apologies for the delay from our communicated schedule.


    Pre-Cata Scholomance is back! How to Enter Old Scholomance - Farm Once-Removed Transmog Items

    Old Scholomance is back in Patch 10.1.5, allowing players to farm transmogs and recipes once lost to time! Learn how to unlock the instance in this post.

    cross-posted from:

    > I love this, hope they do it for all classic dungeons they revamped.


    Pre-Cata Scholomance is back! How to Enter Old Scholomance - Farm Once-Removed Transmog Items

    Old Scholomance is back in Patch 10.1.5, allowing players to farm transmogs and recipes once lost to time! Learn how to unlock the instance in this post.

    I love this, hope they do it for all classic dungeons they revamped.


    More info on relics and legendary compensation will come on Anet blog post on July 18th

    In case anyone is interested.

    I'm very curious to know more about relics, I'm also personally "invested" since I have all 7 leggy runes.


    What's a good replacement for Imgur to link pictures/albums to Lemmy?

    I used Imgur a lot to post pictures to reddit and since I replaced reddit with lemmy already I thought it would be nice to replace Imgur as well.

    Features of Imgur that I need:

    • uploading images (usually small so having size limits is not a problem)
    • being able to combine different images into albums
    • being able to get links to images without them being pushed for public view on the entire platform, that is only people with the full link see them (this is very useful when writing guides containing screenshots, those screenshots have no place in being published outside of the guide using them).

    EDIT: I tried Pixelfed, it's basically a blogging platform with pictures.

    You can upload photos, you can create albums tho this feature is quite limited (understandable from a blogging point of view most probably), it seems you can get links without making your pictures public (tho I'm not completely sure about this, it's not very clear) but it makes it quite difficult to manage them, especially when you have a good amount on your profile, because they are treated as blog posts instead of just pictures.

    I guess it could be used to share pictures to Lemmy, but it's not quite what I'm looking for unfortunately.

    11 Cross-Realm Trading Coming With Patch 10.1.5 - Free Trading to Any Realm Within a Region

    On today's PTR notes Blizzard has revealed that starting with Patch 10.1.5, you will be able to freely trade items and gold directly to any other character in your region!

    4 Cross-Realm Trading Coming With Patch 10.1.5 - Free Trading to Any Realm Within a Region

    On today's PTR notes Blizzard has revealed that starting with Patch 10.1.5, you will be able to freely trade items and gold directly to any other character in your region!

    Reddit Ulu-Mulu-no-die Reddit protests could end pact between users and major platforms

    If you’ve been on Reddit recently, you may have noticed something is up.


    r/wow is having a vote on what to do next, poll will close in 24 hours How we got here, and what should /r/WoW do next?

    Welcome back /r/WoW. TL;DR: **[Vote](**. # What happened - On Friday, June 2nd, the...

    Reddit is forcing mods to reopen subs, as you might know already.

    The 2 biggest subs reacted by "invading" r/all with pictures of John Oliver, here's an article about it: Two of the biggest Reddit communities reopened in the funniest way possible.

    It would be really fun if r/wow followed suit with Daddy Denathrius (it's an option on the poll).


    I am Maru (not mine)

    The most hilarious cat on the web IMO.
