When producers hired Barker to host “The Price Is Right” in 1972, they hit the jackpot. The game show had faded significantly from its glory days in the late ‘50s and had been punted by two networks before it landed at CBS.
When producers hired Barker to host “The Price Is Right” in 1972, they hit the jackpot. The game show had faded significantly from its glory days in the late ‘50s and had been punted by two networks before it landed at CBS.
Fun fact Bob Barker wasn’t only like “spay and neuter your pets”, he also gave $5MM to Sea Shepherds which is a little more “proactive” of an animal rights group.
Ha! Exactly right! I was not the healthiest kid and I remember being home sick and watching The Price is Right a bunch of times. Don't forget to spay and neuter your pets.
Wow. 99! That's impressive, he had a long life. RIP
I always remember it was so fun as a kid to watch The Price is Right with my grandma when I'd miss school. Those were seemingly mundane moments then, but I'd give anything to go back for just one episode like that again. Good times.
When I was a kid and too young to stay home alone in the summer I would go to my grandma's and we would watch The Price is Right! That would have been in the very early 90s... I miss grandmas house lol
After a close family friend of mine died, I sat on the floor and watched old episodes of price is right on youtube. I felt like I was 5 years old again
Damn. I mean, I knew it was going to happen soon, given he was 99. But still, damn.
For anyone interested, Pluto.TV has been running a 24/7 channel showing a bunch of Price is Right episodes from the 70s and 80s for a few years now. I often put this on my TV for background noise while I'm working, because that show just has such an amazingly fun energy, largely due to Bob's presentation. I'm gonna be watching some TPIR tonight, I guess. Gonna miss ya, Bob.
He retired from hosting the show a while ago (Drew Carey has hosted since 2007). Maybe that’s what you remember, and somewhere along the line, your memory mistakenly replaced “retired” with “died”.
Other than the same memories you all have of being sick and watching during elementary school, when I was older my friend and I had off campus privilege in high school and we would go to her house quick where her grandma would make us sandwiches and we would watch him the price is right.
Before you pull that sweet-TV-memories trigger, look up how much of a creep, predator, and all-around abuser Bob Barker was in real life. Hell with that jerk.
One of the models from the show (you know, "Barker's Beauties") sued for harassment in the 90s, arguing that he forced her into sex to keep her job. He acknowledged the relationship, but said it was consensual, and I don't think anything came of the suit.