They've broken the law blatantly and have not reversed some things that they should have, but typically they have stopped doing the action when the courts have ordered it.
I believe most of those were based on intentionally misreading of the orders from my understanding. The recent one with sending people to El Salvador was more much blatant. Especially as people within the whitehouse are blatantly poking at the judge. For instance, yhey are retweeting the el salvador president "joking" and saying "Oppsie, too late" (they were ordered to turn the planes around before they got there)
It's going to matter what the courts do from here out. They have the power to sanctuation. If Marshalls don't enforce said sanctions, they have the power to deputize others to enforce for them if the courts are willing to do so
They're on board with it because they think it will only happen to "those people" and will be appalled when it happens to themselves or at least their neighbors and friends and families.
Congress is categorically useless, and the ultimate judicial authority in the country - and a disturbing proportion of lower courts besides that - have been completely co-opted. And nobody anywhere who has actual power to push back is actually pushing back. I don’t think even a military coup in either direction would help things at this point. I think the US is headed for breakup and balkanization. This goose is cooked, imo.
Yeah my money is on a Soviet style break up, I doubt there will be much fighting during. I also doubt there will be a Russia analogue since there isn't really an equivalent state maybe the great planes could unify but they don't really have the population to be warmongers.