The more I look into Greenland situation the more I am thinking there's already a psychological campaign in play to get them to be part of the US. They're legitimately trying to get away for the Danish government and there's a strong US presence there already with military bases. I suspect the target is to get them to hand over the keys not only willingly but ask for it.
He wants Greenland the same way as Putin wanted extra countries. How many countries did Russia invade between 2000 and 2020?
National security is just a pretext. Greenland already contributes to your national security you king. They’re a part of NATO. You already have force projection up there if required.
Canada has three of top 5 longest sniper kills. Ukraine has the top spot. We just need to export a small chunk of metal at high velocity into a golf course.
Dumbass doesn't even understand that NATO is a DEFENSIVE pact and that Denmark is a member. Not wanting to give you their territory doesn't count as an attack.
Also if he really cared about security he would have strengthened his ties with his allies instead of pushing them away. The US is far less secure now that it was 3 months ago.
Not wanting to give you their territory doesn't count as an attack.
Having been married to a narcissist for 11 years, yes, that's literally how they think. My ex would fly off the handle if I told her "no" to sex or whatever it was that she wanted. She'd throw out all kinds of excuses about how it was my fault somehow, and even during our divorce, when we were literally separated, she forced her way into my room (we still lived in the same house for a few weeks) just to "cuddle" and would throw a fit if I didn't give in. Remember, we were getting divorced. I had to put my foot down hard on that line. And yes, she would get violent.
Orange presidents with tiny dick syndrome calling a country's refusal to give up territory an "attack" is not much different, fundamentally.
Kosovo was UN not NATO. Only NATO engagement was Afghanistan and the Taliban had claimed responsibility for an act of war against a NATO member. Now the actual war was fought entirely in Afghanistan but that doesn't mean it wasn't a defensive war. It just doesn't feel like one.
Don't take this to mean I supported the war in Afghanistan or the many horrible things US troops did while there. (nor do I support the Taliban or their practises and tactics). But NATO is by rule and charter very much a defensive alliance. So much so that if Trump attacks Greenland he will have to face the rest of NATO. Which is something I don't think he comprehends, it's obvious that to him the US is the ruler of NATO.
Joining and organizing within your local community to create connections with others is incredibly powerful, will lay the groundwork for effective resistance.
We can effect things drastically with a general strike. This can massively impact their income streams, and can bring a government to its knees if done on a large enough scale.
Join the IWW and attempt to unionize your workplace, so that the general strike is even more effective.
If we put in the work, we can resist this and we can win. Join up with allies while we still can easily!
Let’s take a look at what it would take to stop Trump.
The United States cannot vote a president out of office. There’s literally nothing in the constitution to allow it. You cannot do a recall vote on the president. You can on other offices such as senator and representative, but you can’t on the president. So voting him out is not an option there you have to wait 3+ years and hope we’re allowed to vote at that point.
A direct assault in the White House. This isn’t a movie. First, most liberals don’t own guns. Second most of them have never shot a gun.So you would somehow have to train a sizable force arm them, equip them and do it anyway where the FBI and CIA and the DOD don’t figure out what you’re doing.
Trust me, that’s not even a possibility they will come after you because they will figure it out.
But let’s say somehow, you did organize that level. By the time you started to move on the White House, the president would be alerted. Then the president will get on national TV and say everybody who believes in democracy should form a ring around the White House with as many guns that they can bring.
Now you’re not just fighting the Secret Service but you’re also fighting Secret Service police and a bunch of MAGA.
He’d also tell the American people he can’t order military to operate on American grounds, but they can definitely volunteer also show up. Now you have what half United States military in that area showing up to also defend the White House.
Like I said, this isn’t a movie you’re not getting anywhere near the White House if you’re an armed force.
So let’s look at Lonewolf shooters. You’d have to get two people trained up to be professional level snipers. And you’d have to take out both presidentand the vice president within seconds of each other. That isn’t even a real possibility. You might get one, but you won’t get the other. And the one is just as bad as the other. Because the moment you get the one the other one just goes into hiding and you’ll never get near.
Let’s look what it actually take to do that. You’d have to catch them both in the open at the same time. Plus you’d have to catch them in an area where a sniper could get to them. Do you know what the odds against that are.? You might as well just go to Vegas and start playing the roulette wheel and expect to win Several times in a row.
So that’s not an option.
The presidency Congress, and a number of judges are basically just allowing this to happen. So the legal avenues are basically gone.
So you say to do something. What options do you have?
For the record of anybody reading this or listening to this. I am not advocating taking out the president that is not what I’m doing. I’m simply trying to explain to this individual what he says do something. The founding fathers put into place the protections that we needed, which were forthe tricameral government to keep each other in check sadly though the system has failed. There really is nothing we can do. We can stand outside the White House and protest from now until election day 3+ years from now it isn’t going to change a damn thing.
First, everybody who stands out there that long would lose their jobs their houses their income and the businesses won’t be hurt at all because they just hire somebody new on. Second even if we did stand out there in protest that long do you think the president is going to listen? No he isn’t. He’s gonna do whatever he wants anyways.
So standing out there in protesting for 3+ years and losing your home when there’s no actual benefit in terms of having the president removed.
What would be the actual benefit there?. Have your voice heard? Great your voice has been heard. Did it solve anything no.
Might make feel good as you’re yelling at the White House. But it didn’t actually change anything.
Organize a union? OK great how did that union force the president to do something at all? You have a lot of tech bros telling the president stop what he’s doing and he still doing it. You think he’s gonna listen to a bunch of peons out here?
There is really nothing that we can do. A large chunk of the US voted him in the office. Now everybody pays the consequences. I’m sorry, but there really is nothing that we can’t do.
Hopefully the judges put a stop to this. But I don’t have any faith in it.
You and your defeatism are Trump's biggest ally. Not MAGA, people like you.
As others in this thread have pointed out, there is, in fact, a lot that can be done.
It is literally impossible to govern a populace against their will. No amount of tearing down democracy can change that fact. With or without the ballot box, Trump still governs by consent. What you have to do is find every way way possible to revoke that consent.
Remember, every act of resistance, no matter how small, inspires others to act. A few sparks are all it takes to make a forest fire.
Any dictator who was stopped, there were very similar problems or even worse since they shot resistors or tortured them. The resistance in WW2 had their whole countries overrun by Nazis and they were fighting still. There have been so many worse situations in the history of the world, where people still resisted and fought back however they could. America now is nothing in comparison to that.
Denmark's PM should slapslap challenge this idiot to a duel at dawn. Her normal-sized hands would be to grip the pistol better and actually raise it to aim.
Greenland and Canada are NATO countries. You cannot attack or forcefully annex another NATO country. If he leaves NATO, he will be up against Canada & Europe.
The US is one Twizzler away from having the entire world sanction & boycott it.
The orange shitgibbon was seated right next to Mark Rutte as he made his threats against Greenland and Canada yesterday and the Chief of NATO sat there smiling.