So yesterday I received a 7-day ban for 'encouraging violence', for saying that Luigi Mangione did not deserve to go to jail. It was obviously bullshit, somebody got a little hair-trigger on the new directive from Der Fuhrer spez or something, so I appealed. That appeal was reviewed and the temp ban lifted and the 'offending' comment restored, but 11 hours prior to that I got another message that I had been perma-banned for violating Reddit's rules with my 'other account(s)'. Well that's also bullshit because I've had exactly one (1) account in the 14 years I've been on reddit, so I appealed that too, and thus we get to the cherry on top: I am no longer banned, I can post and such again, but they sent me the above message saying that my appeal had been denied and that the perma-ban was staying in place. But rather than linger in reddit limbo, I think I'm gonna switch permanently to lemmy. 14 years worth of curating subs will suck to redo, but oh well, life is change.
Welcome to the Fediverse! If you've been on Reddit for 14 years, you were attracted to what it once was. Lemmy is that, but a whole lot better, and your skills as a moderator will be highly valued here. In fact, if you are looking to start up any new communities hmu and I'll see about giving you a hand.
Also, here's your obligatory Saint Luigi blessing for the banned:
remember kids:
A place in heaven is reserved for those who speak truth to power
Reddit is a bot-infested hellscape. I got so mad when I learned that most AITAH posts and popular sub posts were just karma farmers preying on our attention. Lemmy seems to offer some relief. Happy to be here :)
Considering the time you were at reddit (not too different from mine), I think you'll find Lemmy like reddit was in your earlier times there.
What I mean by that is generally more thoughtful and reasonable discussion (generally), smaller communities, more generalized (but specific stuff is accepted, so "all ttrpg is good here" vs "thats pathfinder, this is for 5e only!", as an example.
Welcome and I hope you enjoy it here!
Also, if you come across a server you think fits better as a home base - make an account, see if it fits. You dont have to stay in one spot just because its where you made your first.
13 year account here, also banned for supporting Luigi. I tried to appeal, but the post had already been removed so I didn't know what exactly I said that violated the rules, and my appeal was denied. This was a post I made back in December, mind you. They went looking for a reason to ban a Luigi supporter. They did homework.
Somebody over there is really afraid of how popular Luigi's actions are. I wonder why...
I’ve basically abandoned Reddit as well. I’ve been on for so long, but this bullshit makes me feel unsafe. If the platform is going to so blatantly side with those who would happily let me die for a few dollars (health insurance companies), then I don’t need to give them my attention or data anymore.
Welcome to Lemmy. Outside of niche subjects and local content I think this place has everything reddit does but with less bullshit. If people keep making the switch in large numbers we'll build all those communities too and be better off for it.
I used the tool where I could import my Reddit subs to find similar communities here, and it surprised me how many communities I was a part of that the Reddit algorithm never let me see posts from. Also, it highlighted how much more infrastructure there is to build here. It’s exciting! Like the creative energy of expanding the Wild West but without the decimation of entire indigenous communities and the murder of innocent people and animal species.
I haven't and I won't. Lemmy is a far more positive atmosphere with less content, but better quality content. There's less overt manipulation and not everything is politicised. I just don't trust reddit
14 years worth of curating subs will suck to redo, but oh well, life is change.
Please feel free to create the communities you find are missing still! Things are smaller and slower here, but that means that even in the popular threads, people will actually see and read your comments rather than them disappearing in an ocean of bots or (DELETED).
I'm using Voyager and you can copy the link for all of your subscribed subreddits (if you haven't deleted your account yet) and enter it into the app. It will search Lemmy for similar communities.
This same thing happened to me twice in one week. I haven't had a ban on my account in 14 years. I've given up on Reddit and just deleted my account. Fuck them if they want to treat us like we're children. I won't use their platform again.
Paranoid me says they're trying to ban all of the older accounts with clear liberal bias. 14 years for me too and my permaban was for saying I'd "take a couple with me" if Nazis ever came for me. Appealed and upheld.
Crazy to think defending yourself is something worthy of a ban, but here we are. Fuck 'em I guess. They won't make money off of me and I won't post to their communities. Sounds like a lose/lose situation for them.
Yeah it's been getting increasingly fashy over there. They've blocked topics before, but to my knowledge they've never banned people for upvoting something. It's crazy. Next they're going to start banning any anti-Israel content as antisemitic, or anything pro-Palestine as promoting terrorism or whatever. It's gotten MUCH worse since the IPO, too, so it's clearly being done for the benefit of the advertisers.
Curating subs? I see it as more of "creating my own bubble". Lemmy is a good way to kinda expose myself to other stuff for a change and not just the reddit hive mind.
I mean, how many times have you opened a post and knew what the top 3 comments would be??
Weeeelllll... technically there are a couple of Lemmy cliches, but you make a good point. Canned bot responses to farm karma are certainly awful, with the only human exception being "look up en passant" because that was intentional predicability.
It's been almost two years since my exodus. I've popped in Reddit a few times for specific information, but I noticed I just feel like crap when I do. It's just so toxic. I didn't notice it until I spent time in Lemmy.
The adjustment can be a little awkward at first but there's plenty to do on Lemmy if you take some time to learn how things work and how to get the most out of it.
If you're the type of person that enjoys posting and guiding topics there's no shortage of people hungry for content on Lemmy. There are lots of active communities but even more that are still trying to get off the ground or need someone interested to adopt them.
Whatever your interests, is a great way to find communities for the topics you care about if you aren't finding them on
I hope your time here is more enjoyable than where you're coming from.
Thanks! Honestly it's been less of an adjustment than I expected. Took a couple hours to read about it and figure out how it works, picked a server, and jumped right in. The big thing is that I'm losing that whole curated sub list that I'm going to have to replicate, but I'm sure it'll take care of itself.
I switched to Lemmy after r/news banned me for obvious hyperbole. Reddit used to be a place where dark humor in the face of absurd events was allowed. I'm not even sure if Lemmy is any better, but I've had all of the humor and interest in life beat out of me now, so I guess I'll be okay.
Yeeaaaah, I miss the dark humor, people here are sometimes a bit too literal. To be fair, they have their reasons, from being neurodivergent to being from cultures that just don't do dark humor. Our All feed really is everyone.
Now that you're unbanned, consider using a tool to edit all of your comments to gibberish to remove your value from reddit. I've seen it a lot, it's easy to do, and it works.
I definitely don't want to provide reddit with any more value, but many of my posts and comments were informative or had a good way to explain something or the like, and I still get random replies and mail years later on some of them. This (in general, not on reddit in specific) i feel is my contribution to society, so shitting on that just to very slightly inconvenience reddit feels counterproductive. I don't receive any direct benefit from it (and upon leaving reddit I won't even get the indirect benefit of people telling me how helpful I was), but I am content to know that maybe I've helped a few people.
I still get random replies and mail years later on some of them.
I still get random replies on the stuff I turned to gibberish. Though looking at my old u/, a lot of the most upvoted ones were straight up nuked. Which wasn't the case last time I checked.
Reddit has access to your edit history, it only works for as long as they don't see a need to restore it. And it probably doesn't work at all in regards to preventing ai training.
I personally have found search results that would have been useful or able to solve my problem if they hadn't had this done to them. It has pushed me to search far less, so I know it works. The fewer people visiting reddit the better.
Doesn't really work, Reddit has your posts and comments archived and if they're selling access they'll likely be including that. All it does is inconvenience everyday human users.
I was a mod for a 2mill person sub with an account made in 2009 when I left 2 summers ago 😅
Not trying to one up you, honestly I get what you mean. It sounds silly but it does feel like you kind of have this energy and emotion invested in it that’s hard to give up. I’m glad you’re here now!
Unsolicited advice: Try not to fall into the trap of comparing everything to Reddit. Most of the things here are better, some things (few) are worse. You just need to find good communities.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! People are very happy to explain how things work around here in my experience. What’s critical is finding an instance that you like and blocking communities/instances that you don’t. If you browse /all you’ll get what you expect a lot of the time lol
Beehaw and blahaj are pretty great (not everyone agrees with me on blahaj)