When I was a kid, growing up in New England, my parents would occasionally get live lobsters from the grocery store. My dad would always let me play with them before dinner. It always made me so sad when it was time for them to die, and to this day my parents bring up one particular night that I was begging them, "you can't kill them, they're my friends!" It's a fun story for them, but it probably traumatized the fuck out of me.
Every time I stood up and tried to walk, my brother pushed me over again.
So apparently I gave up and didn't start to walk until I was 2 and a half.
Instead I sat on a metal dinner tray and pushed myself forwards with my hands, with the tray sliding on the carpet.
They told me I got pretty fast, too.
They called me "Fidelesrutscher" (buttocks slider)
Whenever I was shopping with my parents, little old toddler me would somehow end up with a baguette in her hands the moment we were anywhere near the bakery or bread section. By the time we got to the till, said baguette was almost non-existent and my parents had to pay for it. Scandalous!
I still love baguettes and I'll just eat them as a snack haha.
The first computer I made with my dad I forgot to put the stoppers between the motherboard and the case and could of fried it but now whenever I talk tech with my dad he always brings it up. Not anything of the good things I did but that.
Having autism in a family that even today, isn't fully educated on the matter, my family still brings up how much I hated the air compressor as a kid and would instantly start crying (from the loud noise).