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2xsaiko 2xsaiko
Posts 4
Comments 751
Bleeding edge gaming distros with driver managers?
  • What does a driver manager do that isn’t solved with a normal (graphical) package manager? Automatically picking the correct one for your GPU?

  • I have a question about flatpak
  • I see that it can be slower because of having all the dependencies included with the flatpak itself instead of relying solely on whats installed on the system.

    No. Packing its own libraries wouldn’t make it slower. If anything it would be the extra access checks added by the sandbox (which is optional FWIW, apps don’t have to use it). I haven’t ever used Flatpak but I would assume the sandbox impact is minimal if at all noticeable.

  • Peter Todd Was ‘Unmasked’ As Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Now He’s In Hiding
  • Irresponsible and malicious journalism like this is why I have an immediate distrust against any sort of reporter that tries to talk to me. Probably irrational but still.

    I hope your balls explode.

    I wish him the very same.

  • Presidential Material
  • Rocket League

  • Fixed a post I saw earlier
  • Uhhhh. Be gay do crime

  • NFS mount disappearing
  • Never seen this before, but you can enable NFS debugging with ‘rpcdebug -m nfs -s all’ (or nfsd on the server, or rpc for the underlying protocol). It prints to dmesg.

  • In light of Linux removing ReiserFS
  • That's a killer feature. Sucks that it got removed.

  • Syncthing Android app discontinued
  • IIRC Keepass2Android does have that feature.

  • Typst 0.12 released
  • Polylux, with a custom theme. Tbh, I wasn't aware there were others until now!

  • Typst 0.12 released
  • This is a great project. The way it handles mixing markup and code is on point. Also, for drawing its CeTZ is so much nicer than TiKZ, the LaTeX equivalent. I made some great graphics with it for a seminar presentation and paper that I couldn’t have done anywhere near as easily with LaTeX. (The presentation slides I made entirely with Typst, the paper had a LaTeX template that I didn’t feel like remaking because it was huge so I just embedded the graphics I made with Typst)

  • Google is Killing uBlock Origin. No Chromium Browser is Safe.
  • Other Chromium browser vendors have claimed that they will continue to support MV2 based content blockers, later revealing that they were unwilling to support the code once Google removed it.

    Xitter doesn't load for me but this is quoting Brave so I'm not so sure about that

    (edit: Though I think Brave has a builtin adblocker so you may not even need it. However, just don't use Chromium anything at all)

  • Seeking consumer privacy focused paypal alternative in the US, prefer FOSS if possible. Any suggestions?
  • What about just wire transfer? Everything goes through your bank anyway. That’s what I’ve replaced PayPal with a while ago.

  • VS Code vs VS Codium: What's the Difference?
  • I’ve been trying VS Codium out for Rust/C++ development after avoiding it for years. (Used to use CLion until it for some reason stopped scaling consistently a couple days ago after I reinstalled my PC.)

    So far it’s pretty good, except that run configurations seem extremely half baked and inconsistent between the two languages (or rather between build systems, at least for CMake, which doesn’t use the built in one at all; maybe specifically because it is half baked).

  • Custom domain email sometimes marked as invalid?
  • Okay, I edited it to quote the full sentence. You also don’t need those either, though.

  • Custom domain email sometimes marked as invalid?
  • Unfortunately, the latter means having to maintain multiple email accounts, or forwarding services like, SimpleLogin, Firefox Relay, or DuckDuckGo Email.

    It doesn't, you can hook multiple domains up to deliver mail to the same mail server. I have three domains pointing to a single server myself.

    (edit: added full quote)

  • The War on Passwords Is One Step Closer to Being Over
  • I'm not convinced this is a good idea. Resident keys as the primary mechanism were already a big mistake, syncing keys between devices was questionable at best (the original concept, which hardware keys still have, is the key can never be extracted), and now you've got this. One of the great parts about security keys (the original ones!) is that you authenticate devices instead of having a single secret shared between every device. This just seems like going further away from that in trying to engineer themselves out of the corner they got themselves into with bullshit decisions.

    Let me link this post again (written by the Kanidm developer). Passkeys: A Shattered Dream. I think it still holds up.

  • You can use Freeform as a basic image editor on iOS

    I wanted something like GIMP for iOS with which I can stitch together/overlay/crop images, add text, blank out parts, draw on the image, and so on. Nothing in the app store looked appealing, most of what I could find seems to be geared towards photo post processing, so I had the idea of trying Freeform for this, because well, it lets you place various objects on a canvas. And it works pretty well!

    Create a new board with the image inside, set it to no rounded corners and no shadow, and then do whatever you want to it with Freeform’s tools.

    Then, when you’re done, select Export to PDF and convert it to an image. You can use this share sheet shortcut which I made which makes an image out of it and also cuts away the white frame it generates around the PDF:

    There you go, straight forward basic image editing with a free stock app.

    It unfortunately doesn’t preserve the original resolution of the image but it’s definitely good enough for me.


    Is there a Git repository activity aggregator, like GitHub's user activity but platform independent?

    I'm looking for something like GitHub's user activity indicator that gathers information from a list of git repositories regardless of where they are hosted (as long as they are public), that I can put on my webpage, kind of as a thing to show what I'm working on at the moment.

    Is this a thing that already exists? I'd started writing one a while ago but instead of reviving that it would be great if there's something that already exists and I can just use :\^)


    Introducing the DreamBerd Vision Pro Introducing the DreamBerd Vision Pro · TodePond DreamBerd · Discussion #580

    Today we're proud to announce the DreamBerd Vision Pro. It's not AR or VR. It's spatial computing. And Lu Wilson has done a FULL COMPREHENSIVE VIDEO REVIEW that's completely unbiased and unsponsore...

    Introducing the DreamBerd Vision Pro · TodePond DreamBerd · Discussion #580

    Linux doesn't serve birth time attribute over NFS

    According to this Phoronix article, Linux should support the birth time attribute in the NFS server since 5.18. However, it doesn't show up in the stat output when looking at the file through the NFS mount, or elsewhere (at least, the Dolphin file browser and also a macOS client):

    % stat file File: file Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 1048576 regular empty file Device: 0,70 Inode: 103416894 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/ saiko) Gid: ( 100/ users) Access: 2023-12-17 03:22:45.368950609 +0100 Modify: 2023-12-17 03:22:45.368950609 +0100 Change: 2023-12-17 03:22:45.368950609 +0100 Birth: -

    What gives? Running stat on the server directly, it shows the attribute. The backing file system is ext4, kernel 6.5.12. The client is using kernel 6.1.63.
