Donald Trump filed an amended lawsuit against CBS, adding new claims over the network's edits in a 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris.
Donald Trump amended his lawsuit against CBS, now alleging that a 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris unfairly diverted viewers from his Truth Social platform.
He claims CBS’ edits misled the public, boosting Harris while harming his media business, and seeks $20 billion in damages. CBS argues its edits were standard and protected by the First Amendment.
Legal experts view the case as weak, but it coincides with Paramount Global’s regulatory review, leading to reported settlement talks.
The FCC has also opened an inquiry into CBS’ editing decisions.
He won’t be satisfied until he has everything. And then even then he won’t be satisfied.
It is how purely ego-driven people operate. They are never satisfied with what they have (in terms of material wealth) and instead of looking inward (which would require humility; something the ego-driven person lacks), they project their faults on the rest of the world and think that if only they achieve more material wealth will their problems and dissatisfactions be quelled. But it never will be.
I would feel bad for how miserable such people must be if they weren’t simultaneously ruining everyone else’s lives in the process. They are destructive entities that must be stopped else they reck havoc.
trump has been talking to Musk apparently. Musk sued companies that stopped advertising with Twitter. This is the same concept. Musk believes he is owed the advertiser's money even before its given to him. trump is saying he deserved the attention that he thinks he would have received if CBS hadn't aired 60 minutes.
The more I hear about this idiot the more it seems like he is doing as much stupid shit he can to distract people. Classic thievery, pay attention to the left hand while the right hand is in your pocket.
he wasn't president at the time of the 'offense'. just a private citizen. the suit was filed when he was a private citizen as well.
whining about it now in an amended (that status or when it was is irrelevant) private civil suit (trump v cbs/paramount) is not an official duty, not even remotely adjacent to one, of the office of president of the united states of america.
that bullshit immunity ruling from his handpicked scotus does not shield him. well, it shouldn't, anyway--they'd have to broaden it to basically crown him king.
Of course! Next up: Truth Social will be official communication devices from the White House, and all Americans must register to be able to work. You must log in with your SSN, and a proof of residence. Failure to do so will result is deprivation.