After many years on GNOME, I finally switched to Plasma.
I still like the look and feel of GNOME a lot so I spent a little time putting it together that way. I want a simple desktop with small elements to maximize real estate for windows. I also use the small taskbar on my work computer for the same reason. But with my work computer, I do show window titles because I usually have at least 5 workbooks open at once so it's nice to see which is which when I need to switch between them.
I love KDE's application launcher. It feels very Windows XP with the way it sorts things. It just makes complete sense.
Century Gothic may not be the most readable font in the world, but I think it has an old school charm to it.
And that's fine. I said I really liked gnome. The only extensions I had were weather in the top bar and dash to dock. I just wanted it to do a few extra things, and I wanted to play around with widgets. Gnome was also a bit too rigid for my taste. Plasma makes tweaking small things a joy.
For me, ootb Plasma felt too much like Windows. I use Windows all day at work so I want my home machines to look and feel completely unlike Windows.
You should have tried Dash to Panel instead of Dash to Dock, based on your preferences. That plus Wintile is what keeps me on Gnome vs Plasmathese days.
As a (Plasma based) Kubuntu user I was wondering as well. Looks like they tried to emulate the gnome look and feel in the picture. In Kubuntu the default taskbar is at the bottom and the floating application bar doesn't exist
Better than any plasma experience I tried to craft myself – and it's the default setting – so I have no reason to come back. But I still could switch, as long as cosmic is good
I recognize many of the deficiencies of Gnome but on balance I still like using it.
I never migrated from Windows or Mac desktop. I got into Linux before WIndows 95 came out and although I had used Mac and Amiga desktops I never owned one myself. I have used tiling wms and plain wms with no desktop environment and I can find my way around on Windows 11 or Mac but I don't like either as much as Gnome. KDE generally has a better foundation thanks largely to qt but I never enjoyed using KDE. Not surprised it is very popular with the new influx of Windows refugees. To me KDE always had a slightly dated Windows look and feel to it. It is still a very solid choice ofcourse.
Gnome hate became fashionable when they moved forward from Gnome 2 and some people never shut up about it. We get it. Your favorite band aren't teenagers anymore and decided to make an album you don't like. It is ancient history. Just use something else guys. Plasma is pretty damn good so use it. Whats the point of a free OS if you can't accept people want the freedom to develop and enjoy different computing experiences.
I used to switch between plasma and gnome but that stopped with plasma 6. It was so good that it just became my primary. Now gnome feels bad when I try it. Everything looks bad there. No proper fractional scaling support, no hdr support etc etc.
Same. I still really love Gnome with my heart, but it just felt... inferior... compared to KDE 6.
Everything looked sharper, like if I had switched from 720p to 4k, I could access my hardware better (e.g. control the brightness of my monitor, etc.) and much more.
I just switched from GNOME to Plasma in the past week, after a long time on gnome, and Plasma 6 is great. The only thing I miss so far is viewing all my windows on the desktop when I push the meta key - alt-tab seems clunky in comparison.
I also recently switched back to Plasma cause Gnome somehow had issues managing open Windows. GTA Vice City launched and ran in Plasma but only gave a black screen in Gnome.
I tend to use Plasma on desktops and Gnome on laptops, and like them both.
It's been a bumpy road. I have strong memories of Gnome devs explaining to users how wrong they were to dislike Nautilus's awful spatial mode.
And when that guy refused to implement a switch off option because users were wrong to ask for it.
Now really, it's quite functional once you've tweaked with gnome-tools and added vital extensions. You also have to remember useless stuff such as "Video" means "Totem". I'll just never understand why they don't really care about sane defaults.
GNOME 3 introduced the current shell paradigm where you don't really have a start menu but a variety of searches, integrated indicators, per-app desktops with a dock etc.
Before, it was far more conventional experience like Plasma/Windows/Cinnamon are now. GNOME 2 was forked to be the MATE desktop if you want to check it out.
I set it up once on install, 4 years ago. I have never needed to tweak any settings after that. Even when installing a different distro (config lives in the home directory)
That looks amazing! Can you tell je how you did it?
Everytime i start to tweak with the taskbar/dock/statusbar it comes out chonky and doesnt work. All i want i the same look as you have, but ive never come close!
Thank you! I snapped it from the balcony of the condo my wife rented for us for the week we were on vacation. The weather was incredible all week. It was like 65 degrees and sunny. And the people were just so cool. I can't wait to go back. I might have to stay lol
I stopped using gnome after they removed the ability to edit the menu without going through a bunch of hoops. Their idea of removing complexity involved removing choice and customization. KDE has had superior multi monitor support for a long time.
And as a multi-monitor user, I'm finding that part to be true. I've got my panels set up on each of my monitors exactly the way I want. Plus, controlling the wallpaper independently on each monitor as a built-in feature is dope.
I want a simple desktop with small elements to maximize real estate for windows.
While using a top AND bottom bar on the screen. Thats exactly my humour. I am specific about that, because its what confuses me the most about many gnome distros when they so that. The vertical space is the most important one, don't waste it with additional bars.