I was just thinking about how when this episode aired, it was only 20ish years after WW2 ended.
This was recent history to everyone, and they were already making social commentary about it here, as well as the episode where they go to the literal Nazi planet.
9/11 is further in the past for us than WW2 was for them.
You say that, but Star Trek Earth 2025 - 2050 didn't exactly go great, even if they managed to sort things out in the end. It took them at least a whole century to really clean up their act.
We're in a third alternate universe where we get the Bell Riots, WWIII, nuclear apocalypse, authoritarian government, uncontrolled eugenics programs, no warp engine technology and no Vulcans or alien species coming to save us from ourselves ..... oh yeah but the Borg arrive too.
But the Borg of this universe can't communicate with eachother. The queen can send orders and the Borg can send up responses or thoughts, but the queen largely ignores non-beneficial thoughts. But because of this, there is a queen each subqueen can send communications to and receive orders from. All the way up to the "CEO queen" who does the bidding of the actual collective "board of queens".
The more powerful queens have simply survived longer and assimilated more, and have spawned enough queens to destroy rival colonies.
Instead of being referred to as the "Borg Collective" they call themselves "Hardworking Individuals".
Kill them, board the ship, take everything we can, attempt to reverse engineer it, find tech that could make life instantly better for over 90% of the population to end world hunger and instantly cure countless diseases injuries and ailments...but instead they patent it and hold back 100 years of progress while some people get obscenely rich
If you believe some of the UAP testimony, the government has actual craft and biological remains.
It’s difficult to get excited about though because our timeline seems too boring and dumb for that.
…and if it IS true, I think you are correct about how a huge benefit to humanity would be held back. But just as likely as the profit motive would be turning it into weapons rather than using it to revolutionize society.
Pretty sure Roddenberry himself realized later how unrealistic his original vision was. Humans are always humans, from our beginning to our end, we will always have the same flaws and issues and prejudices, and no amount of technology is gonna fix that
Yes yea, you’re an American leftists and everyone who isn’t you is a fascist, we get it. Go fight with other leftists in the corner while the right is united and laughing at you.
Why are Americans so appealed by toxic, exclusionary mindsets? Stop calling everyone around you a fascist, that’s how you end up alone with no friends.
That is the exact premise of his next show, which he wrote notes for and his wife produced (edit: or something, she was heavily involved in taking it forward anyway).
That show had a great first season. It also lasted five seasons.
Oh, man, did they fuck it up. The final season is partially about taking down space vampires, and partially about watching clips from previous seasons.
Just when I thought I had heard and learned enough Star Trek to last me a few more years of watching content .... now I learn about this! Thanks for mentioning it!
This sounds amazing and it was made by Gene Roddenberry ... or at least originated by him.
Now I have to add this to my list of sci-fi to watch .... I need to live to 200 years of age to finish watching all this stuff I have listed. I really wouldn't mind O'Brien placing me in the transport buffer for a few hundred years if I was just allowed to watch TV the whole time.
I mean, not long ago on a evolutionary timescale we were hunter-gatherers, living only in small familial groups. People have changed a lot and we'll continue to, there's no reason to believe our current flaws are inescapable. That's just defeatism and apathy