Immigrant farm workers are too scared to show up to work.
Donald Trump’s aggressive immigration policies, including heightened ICE raids, are disrupting the U.S. agricultural sector.
In California’s Central Valley, a key food-producing region, undocumented farm workers—over half the workforce—are staying home out of fear, leaving crops like citrus unharvested.
Bakersfield saw up to 75% of workers absent, sparking concerns of economic devastation and rising food prices.
ICE is also targeting sensitive areas like schools and churches after rolling back Obama-era protections.
Experts warn these policies could lead to widespread economic repercussions.
He could offer these immigrants some sort of work for citizenship plan or start treating them like fellow humans.
I mean, I agree megacorps making bank off the back of undocumented workers is horrible, but one way to solve that is to grant them citizenship, let them vote and form unions.
The answer is open boarders and the elimination of our foreign intervention. All the reasons for hard boarders are antiquated and are used to divide the working class. You have more in common with any working class person from anywhere than any wealthy individual.
At the same time, let those who immigrated here enjoy the benefits of being a human in America. Our President of the United States of America needs to stop demonizing brown people. Help them instead.
It's almost as if we're seeing the end result of decades of bad immigration policy.
Maybe if everyone knows a law sucks, and no one obeys the law because it sucks, and a huge chunk of our ability to not have famine is based on not obeying that law... maybe, just maybe that law should change to one that people can obey without anybody starving to death.
That's probably the only good thing about Trump. Trump is so brazen with fucking around that the rest of America gets to experience the finding out part. Trump is fucking with illegal immigration and America is about to find out how much they depend on illegal immigrants (because I doubt it's only this one industry).
There’s bad guys all around but this is not “both sides the same”. Adding a new evil does nothing to resolve the situation. How about finding a way that respects human rights and doesn’t disrupt the economy? How about looking at actual facts on undocumented immigrants and act on the the most common or most egregious rather than the most brown skin? How about supporting those who are avoiding persecution in their home country?
Instead of ICE raids directed against sanctuary cities, very likely to be racist, with the intent of political revenge and instilling fear, how about:
reform migrant worker laws to address the actual needs, prevent exploitation, and enforce against the employers who violate
speed up processing and protection for those fleeing violence
enforce student and other visa types who over-stay their status
This would be more comprehensive, respect human rights, avoid racism, and improve compliance with the laws. It focuses on results rather than partisanship or instilling fear
In California’s Central Valley, a key food-producing region, undocumented farm workers—over half the workforce—are staying home out of fear, leaving crops like citrus unharvested.
This issue is annoying because everyone is doing everything wrong. The workers shouldn't be here illegally. The government shouldn't be disrupting the food supply and should maybe loosen up legal migrant worker processes. And the farms shouldn't be hiring them either.
Illegal immigration is principally a clerical issue. A problem of documents. If you give them documents, then they're not illegal immigrants anymore. They're already doing the labor. They should be given legal recognition and protection.
There shouldn't be such a thing as illegal immigration. If people want to come and work, let them. This whole bullshit system and narrative was set up to create a permanent underclass of labor to exploit in the first place.
Well it won’t bother Trump supporters at all until they discover oranges suddenly cost $12 each. Then they’ll throw tantrums hoping Trump will notice and sign an executive order reducing orange prices to $0.05.
I was in Georgia when they enacted the Live scan law. Let me tell you how it went down. Farmers, as in individual/family farms that weren't owned by large corps, didn't have the liquidity to pay more for labor. Those small/medium farms went on the news and begged for people to come and work, talking about how they had stuff rotting on the vine and how most folks wouldn't even finish out their first day. Mid size farmers aren't exactly poor, but most businesses don't survive just not having labor and not turning revenue, and by the end of that first growing season, a whole lot of small and mid-size farms ended up selling the farm to large corps or else just outright shutting down.
There is practically zero chance that the farm industry will start paying living wages overnight. They might could do it, given time, oversight, direction, and aid (there's A LOT of downward pressure on the prices farms sell at), but it's just not going to happen in one growing season. Realistically, this could be real, real, real bad. The central valley has a huge ag industry, and we grow a LOT of non-grain crops (except corn) for the rest of the country and the world. There's some crops, like Pistachios, where the central valley is one of two places in the whole world where there's meaningful agricultural operations for them. We also produce a lot of the good eating oranges (have you ever eaten a Florida Valencia Orange? They taste like eating pure sour armpit, there's a reason they make them into juice) and other citrus. So, not only are we going to see food shortages (and some pretty specific food supply shortages for the rest of the world), but probably a lot of the farms around here are going to end up being corporate owned, leaving everyone here poorer and worse off than they were before.
You are not wrong, but I don't really think abusing the disenfranchised to the extent that they aren't getting paid at all while food rots away is what I would call a "good path" to living wages.
First off, no one is getting living wages for the work yet, and we have no evidence to suggest they will.
Secondly, even if this does lead to that, maybe we could have found a path forward without all the unnecessary added suffering?
I dunno, it just feels really fucked up to be spinning this like the only outcome is "living wages" when all it has actually done so far is cause additional harm.
And basic amenities like places to poop, pee, wash your bands and getting raped more gently. Thanks fellow immigrants!
Costco has a peach fire sale! Just $59.99! Per slice! It comes a glass bottle with 3 peach's in sugar! All American made materials and food. The glass is so strong, you can drop it. That'll be $543 and 73 cents please! Yes the glass does break when you drop it, we're just saying that it's strong and you can drop it, if you want.
Eating affordable food is woke, we can't allow it.
Living in affordable housing is woke, we can't allow it.
Choices are woke, we can't allow them.
Life is woke, we can't allow it.
Maybe it will be things like this will start the ball rolling towards the allowing dumber half of America finally see what they stood behind.
So many people are going to suffer for their decision. And while I am generally not the type to wish ill on others, I’m glad that they’re all going to be suffering right along with us. It’s good to know those that caused the oncoming disaster won’t be spared the consequences of their action.
That's the thing, his being a "businessman" has never really meant anything. When a person starts out with a large pile of money, they can make bad decisions their entire lives and still stay rich, as long as their accountants don't let them spend down the seed money. His mom front-loaded his idiot life and he's been claiming to be successful since.
Can we stop blaming Trump for companies hiring undocumented workers so they can pay them less? I hate the guy but he didn’t cause this. We can’t allow companies to bypass laws by not paying benefits and taxes to employees.
The problem didn’t appear overnight and trying to “fix” it overnight is going to cause chaos.
Just one example: there was a bipartisan bill a few months ago that had most of the things republicans asked for. Trump pressured the republicans to not vote for the bill because he wanted to campaign on illegal immigration and do this kind of cruel and stupid shit when he got elected.
Trump doesn’t try to fix things, he just likes showy displays of power and cruelty because he’s a fucking asshole.
You should look up what Stephen Colbert did in 2010.
There was an organization that would take any American that wanted to be a farm worker, and connect them with local farms. Even paid decently, better than a lot of wage slave jobs. Not genuinely good, but like $15/hour back then.
As Colbert testified about it to Congress, "Please don't make me do this again. It is really, really hard." Americans really don't want to do it.
This isn't even the first time produce has rotten in the fields due to a Trump immigration threat. I distinctly remember reading about tomatoes rotting on the vine in the deep south, probably around 2017.
All that means is that $15 an hour over the course of a growing season is not enough to support a family and put down roots.
The very concept of "migrant" labor is flawed - its dehumanizing and precarious. People need a means of supporting themselves year around.
Not only do agricultural corporations need to accept slimmer profit margins and higher wage expenses, but an entirely new support structure is required to maintain the workforce in agricultural communities during the off seasons.
You can pay what you want the average American is not willing to do farm work because they got educated and want to use that education. Picking berries or whatever in the hot sun for 12h isn't it. Until you start paying so much you raise prices 10x or more and that doesn't work when you're in a globalized economy, no one is going to pay $80 for strawberries when they can get them for $8.
More so these workers need to be regulated and that requires some form of legality and documentation.