Yes, but the legal system does not act on the whims of mass adoption. It's like that mom in Florida who got slapped with terrorism charges for telling blue cross blue shield the deny, defend, depose line over the phone. The harsh crimes are there to chill anyone who might step out of line.
The real hero is....WTF. How come we don't provide Luigi with billions in armament to see if he can take down the healthcare monopoly?
The war against high healthcare cost. Sounds reasonable to me. Like the first retaliation strike against Palestine seemed reasonable to me. But then Nathan Yahoo kept going and by the third day I was like dude WTF! But what did we do? We kept helping! WTF again! Then it was kids getting followed by drones and blown up to pieces. WTF!
Now Luigi comes along and fights against something that actually makes a difference for us the regular people and he gets to become the incarcerated person? The criminal? This is wrong. I hope Trump pardons Luigi. If not because Trump wants to do the opposite of what Democrats do, then maybe because the syphilis is eating his remaining brain cells. If he did, he would probably win the public like no one has ever bigly won the public ever before by gerrymandering the fuck out of every county. It's a great middle finger to be given where I would care that it happened.
But yeah, unless they start having McDonald’s at the commissary (which now that I think about it, is not outside the realm of possibility) he probably won’t be eating at any restaurant ever again.
He should have gone to a no extradition country. Not Pennsylvania.
Does that title really require someone to be FROM the working class? I always thought it was more about who they fought for.
Take Che Guevara, for instance — the guy was from an upper class family who could afford to send him to med school. So was Marx, whose father was lawyer with a comfortable income who could afford to have all of 9 children (though not all of them survived). And John Lennon, who wrote the song that inspired the meme, had already had an enormously successful musical career and was quite likely a multi millionaire by that point.
Also, Bernie Sanders is a millionaire as well but still widely considered a hero by the working class because that’s who he fights for.
Point is, my understanding is that “working class hero” isn’t so much about the class membership of the hero themselves, but it’s simply whomever the working class considers a hero. That can of course include members of the working class as well (say, firefighters who risk their lives saving others, for example).
State department: the guy on the right is clearly not guilty. There is clearly not enough evidence he committed even a single crime. No we do not want to see your evidence. Only evidence we collect and find convenient counts.
Also state deprment: jury must never abuse their powaaahs! You cannot rule Luigi not guilty because it is convenient!
Instead of denying the label "terrorist", we should embrace and normalize it. It was always a rhetorical weapon for the status-quo, and we have the power to take that away.
While I see your point to a degree, that Netenyahu pic should really be a picture of Biden standing next to netenyahu, because thats the reality of it, right. This renders US jurisdiction irrelevant. Netenyahu, Biden, and Putin too are rogue actors who shouldnt ever be allowed to travel beyond their countries borders again. If caught they should be rendered to the hague for war crimes.
Criminals dont get to set a personally convenient standard for what justice is. the US and Israel both ratified the geneva conventions, so they are bound by it.
That would make sense if international politics were any more than thinly veiled terrorism itself. The whole UN thing is an exercise in manufacturing legitimacy, and the fact people actually think that there is a world in which it holds the most powerful actors to account proves that it's worked.
They are a mafia with a protection racket, very little more.