Lmao, it was during highschool. I was 17. I got suspended immediatelty and they tried to expel me, but failed. I said fuck them anyways and dropped out and just got GED instead, my state still give a certificate that use the word "Diploma" for it and my GED scores looked much better than my GPA too. I got accepted to a state university, but I eventually have to drop out due to depression.
Also I got en existential crisis about the possibility of deportations. But luckily in this timeline, I was already a US Citizen derived fron my mother's Citizenship. Wonder what's happening with me in the other timelines in which I didn't have Citizenship yet.
Charges eventually got dropped via some "diversion" BS but I did not have to admit any guilt so I just took it, I would've fought it though the courts if any plea deals required admission of guilt.
And theres also some BS with juveniles technically not getting a Jury Trial, so its just a judge deciding it, even though it carries similar consequences as an adult conviction for an assult charge.
Is it just me or is this context kinda some horseshit? To me ‘snitches get stitches’ means ‘don’t rat out the people you were doing the thing with because that makes you a traitor’. This comes off as ‘don’t speak up when you’ve been abused’. I get it’s a joke I’m just saying it kinda rubbed me the wrong way and could be framed better and still be funny.
Thing is, the whole threatening the victim has always been a part of the phrase. Don't tattle, don't snitch, it's part of the built in bullshit of school, and even teachers and staff sometimes buy into it, indirectly penalizing students that report abuse from other students. Even more common is nothing at all being done to prevent retaliation, so the cycle of it continues.
This is a joke, obviously. They're turning the idea around, it's just that the fact there's an idea to turn around in the first place is so horrible that the joke kinda falls flat unless you have a dark sense of humor.
Sub the kid for an injured mob guy and the parents for his mob guy friends and the question for ‘can you tell me what happened?’ And boom I think you got an alternate version of the joke that sidesteps the iffy framing
To me ‘snitches get stitches’ means ‘don’t rat out the people you were doing the thing with because that makes you a traitor’.
Least people who do shitty things... don't tend to make that distinction. It's often used as a threat to bystanders and even victims. IE I took your lunch money, if you go to the teacher about it, we will beat you up.
If you are talking friends who participate, the implied violence would be unnecessary really. You roll on your friends when doing something against the rules, your friends will never include you in their activities again.
There was something magical when a mean kid would realize that my brothers' and my idea of a rollicking good time was a serious ass kicking on their scale.
I'll admit, it doesn't speak well to my brothers' or my intellect, but I guess messing with us was particularly stupid.