Turpentine I can understand having for various reasons (lighting shit on fire, removing paint/ink/pepperspray), but what is the need for tin snips? cutting the zip-tie handcuffs used by riot police?
OP just made it sound like they are needed for any type of protest or demonstration, so I assumed they had use beyond just reproductive rights marches. Plus, turpentine can be used as an antiseptic, but there are lots of less conspicuous antiseptics available.
Know how many times you’ll find yourself out and about and suddenly needing to perform an emergency, involuntary vasectomy and then discover you left your tin snips and turpentine at home?
Only once. You only make that mistake once. Keep it in your daily carry.
Yeah, meanwhile I've used bolt cutters more than most people (anarchism got me doing bicycle repair and salvaging which involves them front time to time), and they work by leveraging the stiffness. They aren't actually sharp, they're just dull scissors with a fuck ton of leverage