For those who don't get it, the joke is diabetes causes unmetabolized sugar to end up in your urine.
399 0 ReplyOooooh...
Sometimes my piss smells like sugar, but it often smells like a lot of things. Usually piss. Sometimes asparagus.
85 0 Replyguys stop smelling your own piss just flush it
103 4 ReplyCoffee
16 0 ReplyGet yo self a glucometer if you're thinking about it, diabeetus is real obvious once you start using the right tools. Also they're super cheap these days.
7 0 ReplyIt can be other things than diabetes as well, like an infection or liver failure.
7 0 ReplyMine frequently smells like whatever meat I ate, especially after eating a couple chili dogs or smoked meat.
5 0 ReplyCould be artificial sweeteners.
4 0 ReplyEveryone’s talking about the smell, but I’m thinking about the colour after I eat a bunch of beets
4 0 Reply
Imagine being a piss kink enjoyer and finding out your SO has diabetes (or is pregnant) because their piss tastes like straight sugar water.
112 0 Replylike straight sugar water.
49 0 ReplyFucking crazy this guy plays kingpin in the daredevil series
3 0 Reply
I think that's how they used to diagnose some illnesses. Makes you wonder if some docs had a piss kink or if they were just super commited to helping people out.
44 0 ReplyI mean, you can drink my piss if it ends up potentially beneficial to me. Any takers? I'd send you a vial of a time of day of your chosing.
9 0 ReplyCrazier still, for the wealthy, boiling down piss was how they'd measure your sugar level back in the 20s through 40s. Ugh.
7 1 ReplyI'm sure there were at least a few for whom it was both lol
5 0 Reply
I saw a story like that on reddit once. Dude was going through medical school. Had a FWB who was getting into squirting. He noticed it tasted sweet and told her to get checked for diabetes. She was prediabetic if I remember correctly.
27 0 Reply24 0 ReplyWtf. Just finished a doc on comedian Patrice O'Neil and he makes this joke about himself lol
11 0 Reply"Your pee is too scrumptious!"
3 0 Reply
I'd rather not imagine it but you already made me
10 0 Reply- piss enjoyer
5 0 ReplyRelevant reddit story:
2 0 Reply
Anon can enjoy sugary beverages all day every day for the rest of their life!
100 0 ReplyAnd lose weight with every amputation
83 0 Reply10 pounds is 10 pounds. That BMI is gonna look real good soon
3 0 Reply
Anon has maple syrup urine disease. Or maybe just the beetus.
34 1 ReplyMy Wikipedia bugged out and I got this lmao
21 0 ReplyWhy is there a picture of Stevie wonder next to maple syrup disease
7 0 Reply
Its just beetus. Anon is just a dummy.
8 0 ReplyOr liver failure.
Or a serious infection.
4 0 Reply
But did they taste it to confirm?
3 0 Reply