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DumbAceDragon DumbAceDragon
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Horrible underextrusion
  • Thank you. I recently replaced that gear as well, and the problem has gotten a bit better. I'll be sure to check everything you just mentioned.

    I tightened the tension arm and now it's clicking when it reaches a piece of filament that isn't extruding fast enough. So I think that means it's an issue with the hotend not heating the filament fast enough. I'll check the friction of the mod though just to be safe, and I don't think I ever calibrated my E-steps, so I'll have to do that.

    Adjusting the tension arm seems to have helped a lot, so I think you're on to something.

  • Horrible underextrusion
  • It's metal, and it seems fine. I'll try adjusting it for a bit more tension and see if that works.

    Edit: nevermind it is plastic. But still, seems fine.

  • Horrible underextrusion

    Hey. A couple weeks ago I got my old ender 3 pro out of the basement and have been trying to get a decent print with it ever since. I managed to print out one benchy without issue, but ever since then every print I do would be plagued with awful underextrusion.

    I've replaced a few parts, including the hot end and the nozzle, and even did this one hack someone suggested where you put a piece of PTFE tubing in the hotend, but no matter what the issue persists. My thought was it might be the creality filament I ordered, so I ordered a spool of hatchbox filament. But the problem ended up being worse on the hatchbox filament. I've put both in a filament dehydrator but it's made no difference. Both spools have tough sections along them that don't seem to melt as easily when I pull them out of the extruder, so I'm thinking that might have something to do with it.

    Turning the print speed down and increasing the flow and temperature yielded better results, but it was still underextruding on every other layer.

    I want to know if there's something I can or should do before I just give in and buy another roll of filament. I've probably spent enough at this point to buy a better printer, but I guess that's sunk cost for ya.

    Make this movie!
  • I'd watch this, but only if the humans are as scientifically wrong as the dinosaurs were in the original jurassic park. Make him 12 feet tall and hairless!

  • Anon is a test subject
  • I think this is a good example of how societal norms impact science.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This has the same vibes as gamestop starting an nft marketplace.

  • Common printing questions
  • Honestly when it works it works wonderfully. Most of my problems with my ender 3 come down to me being a dumbass and not taking care of it properly, and/or just the nozzles they ship with it being cheap as fuck and impossible to cold pull.

    No joke my first ever successful cold pull was 2 days ago, because I had finally gotten a decent set of nozzles.

    If you want to get really serious about printing there are better options out there, but for the cost they really are awesome beginner printers (to be fair I haven't kept up much with printers, so I don't know many other good cheap ones). I mostly only dabble with printing, but my ender 3 pro that I got like 3 years ago has served me very well.

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • They're still around and they still make cards. The onboard audio in my PC broke, so I bought an Audigy FX and it's served me ever since.

  • Help me out here
  • Idk why but censoring R*ddit is way funnier than it should be

  • How you might have learned about moles in 1935
  • Just like a shark, a mole is smooth in all directions.

  • Rule people
  • Harry Potter, though it just doesn't focus on any of the poo people

    Edit: completely misread isn't as is

  • my home rule
  • Don't give her my name

  • Rule
  • It's fake. I recall a while back someone said they had a dream that candy crush had a meta community now and they made this image as an example.

  • lemmy user(ule)s: "this sign won't stop me because i can't read"
  • I think it's fine in its original contexts (i.e. "retardant", or to "retard" something), but could maybe be avoided in 80% of cases.

    It is inexcusable to apply it to people though.

  • Did you know: If you criticize Biden you're not American, and if your Mastodon ends in .eu you're not allowed to have an opinion?
  • Honestly if there are Russian agents at play it's probably these people trying to further drive a wedge between leftists and moderates. I've seen plenty of threads where even the most moderate criticism of Biden is dismissed as vocal support for Trump and trying to spread voter apathy.

    The thing that actually spreads apathy is this behavior. Yes, you should vote for Biden because harm reduction is always better than nothing. But you shouldn't have to be happy about it.

  • Rule
  • Doesn't really seem like a brag so much as a tongue-in-cheek way of dismissing it. "Yeah, we kill animals. But.... the food is good?"

    Though I certainly see what you mean.

  • sigh...
  • I don't get why this is specific to millennials.

  • So just like European settlers they took all the resources and gave the natives bee smallpox.

  • Rule
  • I'm talking more so about HDDs, which were still very prevalent back then. SDDs wouldn't hit similar size to price for a few more years.

    I had a mid-range laptop back then that was at least 500+ gigs with a HDD. And when I got my desktop, which was a hand-me-down 2012 dell inspiron from my grandmother, it had a 2TB HDD.

    These days SSDs are fast and cheap, so the 1TB standard not really changing a ton has more to do with the switch from HDDs to SSDs.

    I could be misremembering a few things here, so feel free to correct me.

  • AMD CEO Lisa Su reminisces about designing the PS3's infamous Cell processor during her time at IBM
  • Multi-core CPUs were still starting out to be fair, but they were definitely at least somewhat mainstream by the time of the 360/ps3. The 360 was tri-core, and was considered easier to develop for since all three of those cores shared resources. Meanwhile, the cell architecture is hard to develop for even by modern standards. As such, most games only made use of the PPE and left the SPE alone.

  • Sorry you were lied to by a shitty 90s thriller movie rule

    I don't actually hate jurassic park, the title is purely facetious.


    Wacom tablet touch wheel doesn't work on wayland

    Hey, I've been daily driving wayland since plasma 6 released. The improvements are stunning, and it's actually responsive on my multi monitor setup.

    Main problem I've been having is with my drawing tablet. It works fine, but the touch/scroll wheel doesn't register. I can't find anything in the settings about it, so my first assumption is it's just not implemented yet. But no matter how many searches I do I can't find anyone with the same problem.

    I only have this problem in wayland, in X11 it functions just as intended. It's not a huge issue, it just really screws with my muscle memory. I'd just love to be able to use my tablet properly with wayland so I don't have to switch back to the laggy mess that is X11.

    Tablet: Wacom Intuos Pro Distro: Garuda Linux (arch-based) GPU: Nvidia RTX 3060 Plasma version: 6.0.3-1 libinput version: 1.25.0-1

    If this is the wrong community or if any other info is required just let me know. I originally posted on [email protected] but then realized that community was mostly dead.

    Edit: formatting

    Edit 2: HW Probe



    In case it isn't obvious this is (mostly) ironic lol



    A discord friend of mine has been streaming his miitopia playthrough so it's been fresh on my mind. Dominic my beloved.
