I've seen this reposted at least 3 times now, and it bothers me each time because we have no idea the story behind it. We only know what's written down, we don't even know if the person who wrote the caption witnessed the event. Was it fragile masculinity? Perhaps?
This week I found out I am losing medicade, food stamps and unemployment because one of my previous jobs won't provide the right paper work. That feels pretty wall punch worthy
Guys point is, we don't know the why. We only know the what. Sure, I think everyone can agree it's not the healthiest coping, but I don't know too many people who choose the healthy option in a state of extreme emotion. Is there ANY scenario you could imagine this being understandable, even if not good or healthy? Lots of people listing scenarios where I could TOTALLY see getting a rather reasonable person into such a mental state.
It's true someone with means and knowledge could do that. Something that's stuck with me for many years:
An impoverished mom could only afford to feed her kid instant ramen most of the time. Iron deficiency -> behavioral problems. Believe this was from the documentary A Place at the Table (2012).
Aw wish I thought of this when I was married to that violent a******. We could've had so much framed art all over the house. Picture frames wouldve cost a lot less than hiring a repairman every time angry husband punched a hole in the drywall.
You have no idea what prompted the emotions, you just happily assume whatever will give you the excuse to express your misandry.
I'd bet anything that if you read one of the many accounts of women getting genuinely angry at their SOs, even striking them (which is way worse than striking an inanimate object, by the way), based on what they dreamt the guy did, you wouldn't be blaming her "fragile femininity".
I think some of your formatting / image embed may have gotten lost in translation between Kbin and Lemmy. Looking at your comments on your home instance, there are images. Here, they're just the (1/3) counter text. I'm guessing that would explain the downvotes.
For reference, the Lemmy format for embed images is