Just 2 centuries around here having inquisition in place made sure no other alternatives exist nowadays. Genocide is effective kids. Learn from History.
Well, yeah, but it's not supposed to happen to them. They're the ones who are supposed to be in charge, not just morally and ethically, but also economically. If they can get called out for their bullshit it's a warning sign to them. Their massive privileges are being eroded and it scares the shit out of them.
How much have you read about the history of religion?
If they're not doing it to others, they're doing it to themselves. The last time there wasn't a Christian church leader ranting about an evil person was around year 0.
I believe the culture war junk is part of distract and divide tactics. 'hey parents don't worry about all the bloodshed from neoliberal policies, your kids are summoning demons!'
I love that there's a reference to the Tom Hanks classic Mazes and Monsters in there.
Funny thing about the eighties. I was absolutely forbidden from playing dungeons and dragons but was totally allowed to play wizardry, Ultima, and bards tale.
Explain that parental logic.
I do feel I missed out. Never did get to play the real deal.
Man, my friend got all his D&D stuff taken away in 1984, he bought new stuff and left it at my house, which was fine by me as he said I could use it even if he wasn't around.
The 90's weren't that long ago to some of us. But yes, in the 80's and 90's they rallied hard against music, and in the 90's and early 2000's against video games. Something positive did come out of it though. Music albums and video games didn't have maturity ratings before all of that campaigning from the Christian Coalition. As a parent it's nice to have a rating flag, so you know to check the content and see if you think it's appropriate for your children.
Never mind Christians- long before this "cancel culture" bullshit started, Republicans were perfectly happy to censor the Dixie Chicks and basically destroy their careers because they dared to criticize George W. Bush.
I've never heard any of them say that was wrong of them, just that cancel culture is the worst thing ever.
A lot more than just American xtians. There are countries where people cannot get safe, legal abortions because of the stranglehold that xtians have on the political class. Likewise access to contraceptives and even basic reproductive education within the school system. The Roman Catholic Church has been far more destructive than American xtians.
Never fails, Christians (ostensibly """"real"""" ones lol) always go to this, such a convenient out for rancid, unserious, responsibility denying dingdongs
If I call myself a Scotsman, despite not meeting the definition of a Scotsman (never been to Scotland, have no Scottish heritage) then it would be fair to call me not a "True Scotsman."
If the definition of "Christian" is "someone who follows the teachings of Jesus" then someone who spreads hate does not meet that definition.
If the definition of "Christian" is "anyone who calls themselves a Christian" then the definition is so broad it is useless as a descriptor. It includes someone who is loving and caring, and someone who abuses and murders anyone they disagree with. It tells you nothing about the individual or how they behave.
Why is this getting upvoted? OP is using irony. The No True Scotsman fallacy requires refuting a counterexample as well as "The modification is signalled by the use of non-substantive rhetoric such as "true", "pure", "genuine", "authentic", "real", etc." Check out the "Occurrence" section.
Attend Churches where pastors and preachers proselytize about anything "Sinful"
Call themselves Christian proudly
Wears crosses
Says its forbidden by God to do something that the Bible says is bad
Uses the words of Saint Paul to expand on those words
Damn that sounds like they are Christian, but you know, I guess they're "not true Christians" because they happen to do everything on Saturday instead of Sunday, or don't wash the feet of the poor, or something else that caused a schism 200 years ago.
These people: act in ways that is the opposite of loving their neighbour
Sure as fuck sounds like they aren't following the teaching of Jesus. Going to a church doesn't make someone a Christian any more than going to my garage makes me a mechanic.
The people "ranting about cancel culture" are not the generalized group "Christians." What can you do though? Lemmy fully embraces hate against Christians.
Yeah Christians are so persecuted. I feel so bad for them. Good thing you're here to defend them or they wouldn't be that most powerful group in the country.
Don't like the fact that you belong to a group known for being shitty? Clean your fucking house or leave the group. Don't tell us they don't belong in your group. Tell them.
Christians and religious people in general make up a substantial portion of charitable work around the work. So I think that easily disproves your claim that they cause nothing but pain.
Really your statement just comes across as childish and uninformed probably because of the large amount of propaganda you consume from places like this.
Why shouldn't you hate 55%+ of the world? Do you really believe more than half the people in the world contribute nothing but pain?
Also why didn't you include Jews? They're the root of Abrahamic religion and currently the "Jewish homeland" is engaging in genocide.
It's just silly but also worrying that you could have such a skewed view of reality.
Yeah they're just the loudest and proudest people who wear crosses around their neck and only vote for other people who are loud and proud of their Christian love wanting to ban anything remotely "sinful." Everyone knows that Christians are the most oppressed in the West! Truly no one knows how hard it is to be a follower of the majority belief, and never need to defend it from the state.
Also here's a brief list of things Christians tried to cancel in the United States: Comic books, rock and roll, jazz, dungeons and dragons, magic the gathering, radio, television, other forms of Christianity, anything remotely queer, Italians, Irish, Chinese, Jews, abolitionists, civil rights marchers, feminists...
And here's the entire list of times Christians were oppressed by laws pushed by non-Christian groups/state actors in the United States and the West in general:
Truly no one knows how hard it is to be a follower of the majority belief
That's the thing, it is the majority belief (well over 50% of the population) and yet the draconian over reach you are complaining about does not have the support of nearly 50% of the population. Therefore there must be a large number of Christians that are also against it. They are on your side. I don't know why you are trying so hard to insist they are your enemy.