Big "Eh" there. Rittenhouse is no Zimmerman, but the media attention has pretty much ended any chance of a "normal" life for him. He'll probably make a run for public office in a few years.
After 9/11, this country took a hard turn into fascism and boot licking. I was complaining about the new McCarthyism, the demented expansion of the police state, and the march to the right when my aunt interrupted me to say "not everyone thinks McCarthy was the bad guy there." She said it was such smug indignation I was genuinely shocked there were people that were fans of McCarthy.
When I said that that kind of un-American behavior leads to stuff like Kent State, she said, "If you can't be loyal to the troops you get what you deserve." That's when I realized that we as a nation were absolutely fucked.
Wondering if he'll work the shooting into his little speech. Will he defend the guardsmen or push an agenda that the students should have brought their own guns.
All of those "armed citizens" fantasize about killing and are just itching to shoot someone. I've seen the videos and I agree with the verdict. It was very much self defense, however, he shouldn't have been there to antagonise an angry protest.
I don't think shooting a guy in the back because he's falling down counts as self defense. I also don't think continuing your killing spree counts when the other people are rightly concerned there's a murderer running around.
I'm not suggesting anything in particular but you know when you want to do something but it requires a phone number and you don't want to give your phone number? There are some solutions.