MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
All’s well that ends well, but MAGA’s in a new hell.

“F you, Taylor Swift!” shouted Megyn Kelly, “and f all of the people who want to see these children have body parts chopped off.”
For those not fluent in Republican crazy-speak, Kelly’s meltdown was triggered by Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris the night before, barely one hour after Trump all but face-planted on the debate stage. Kelly was especially triggered by Swift highlighting her appreciation for vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s support of LGBTQ+ rights.
Other right-wing commentators, like Ben Shapiro, took another approach: making fun of Swifties. “Note: if you vote for a particular candidate because your favorite singer is doing so, please don’t vote. You are too stupid to vote,” wrote Shapiro on X. Meanwhile, Elon Musk, the richest man on the planet, threatened to impregnate her.
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Did I miss the news cycle where Democrats started dismembering children?
You're probably just not consuming the right batshit crazy conservative echo chamber outlet
They are getting harder to find, you know, with all the Russian money drying up
Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg all seem happy to foster right wing conspiracy incubators. Its not going to stop until at least there is some transparency in their content algorithms or extreme fines for media companies that promote misleading/fake/nonsense information.
They're not going to stop until the advertising stops working.
I heard recently that tiktok has open sourcing but don't fully understand what that means or if it's true. If it's true, though, it would be notable that it's the only platform that's been targeted to be shut down.
They are getting harder to find, you know, with all the Russian money drying up
For those out of the loop:
"The Department of Justice also indicted two employees of RT, a Russian state broadcaster, saying that they funneled $10 million to a U.S. media company that hired prominent right-wing influencers here in the U.S."
amazing comment.
Leading up to the debate, a whole bunch of new propaganda got pushed. Haitians eating cats in Ohio, Post-birth-abortions, and forced transitions for children, prisoners, and illegal-aliens. Totally normal conspiracy theories based on absolutely nothing
Haitians eating cats in Ohio
They overheard "I'm coming over there to eat that pussy" and got confused because they have no concept of a man doing something for the benefit of a woman.
I think the cops are handing that, or at the very least making sure no parents go into the school to prevent it from happening.
forced transitions
I got nothing, they're just batshit crazy.
My speculation on the last one is they are (still) salty about the government and military providing transitional care and surgery.
I caught the cat eating thing, and the post-birth abortion thing. I must have been too distracted by the Venezuelan gangs that are supposed to have taken over my city to catch the other stuff.
How do you have any gangs if they're all in jails getting free SRS? How do you even have a city when they were all razed by Dems rioting in 2020? Something is not adding up, either you or the Repub propaganda apparatus is lying.
Well, no one is forcing transitions, but we do and should continue to provide necessary medical care for prisoners. Arguably that care needs improvement in terms of accessibility for citizens and immigrants alike, which I think is where Trump pointed out Harris has truthfully put some work into.
That's what sucks about so many of these claims. Are they based on any truth?
I will say, it's at least a good exercise in critical thinking to have to go claim by claim, as exhausting as it is to so consistently find blatant lies, let alone half-truths.
That is the smell of desperation.
One of the Republican talking points in this election is that parents are sending their kids to school in the morning and they are coming home with their dicks chopped off in the afternoon because Democrats are performing operations on them to turn them trans. Yes, it is very weird and completely untrue.
Conservatives consider this made-up conspiracy more serious than the actual school shootings that leave kids dead every week.
Wait, free health care in America?!
No, those children would have crippling medical debt for the rest of their lives if conservatives had their way.
But if they get shot at school that's just "a fact of life"...
What if...and I'm just spitballing here...dicks got shot off during a school shooting?
Oh, is that where the post birth abortions are happening as well?
They'd still find a way to blame Democrats.
Those are those post-birth abortions Trump was complaining about.
Maybe if we start calling mass shootings "post birth abortions" Republicans will start giving a crap about trying to stop them.
LOL. I see the connection now. I knew all of the pieces but I guess it takes a psycho to put it together.
It's depressing that you have to even say that it's untrue.
At the Minnesota State Fair, Republicans set up a booth where they claimed Tim Waltz did nothing while Minneapolis burned to the ground. Was even depicted on the sign they put on their booth. The Minnesota State Fair takes place in Minneapolis; they're literally in the city that supposedly burned down.
This is the level of cognitive dissonance we're dealing with.
I don’t think it’s about abortion. I think they decided allowing a transgender teen to exist is “dismembering children” even if surgery for trans teens barely ever happens IRL. If they were actually worried about gender affirming surgery for minors, they’d want to ban nose jobs and fake tits too. So, it’s just part of the general trans moral panic amongst conservatives and “Won’t someone please think of the children?” bullshit that always accompanies moral panics even if children aren’t involved.
I’m cis but my understanding is that even trans adults find getting access to gender affirming healthcare is a huge, expensive ordeal. Philosophy Tube had a good video on her experience in the UK and I sincerely doubt it’s any easier in America’s labyrinthian, absurdly expensive non-system. It’s definitely not like parents are swinging by the urgent care to get their 13 year-olds free bottom surgery.
It's hard to keep track. I thought Dems were eating cats but I guess they changed plans.
Eating them? Shit, I have a vet appointment to cancel... and a pile of children's bones to dispose of...
She may mean the process of abortion. Unfortunately, it can be gruesome if not performed early.
Source: Wife worked in a family care clinic and assisted with many of these procedures.
That's essentially what I told my wife last night. If you're undecided and watched the debate and still are undecided, just admit you're a Trump voter.
Seems you don't even trust what your wife has to say, not sure why you'd 'source' her and expect everyone else to.