I was going to give a shout-out to Whittakers of New Zealand, makers of the world's best chocolate, but it seems they don't export to the US. Maybe you could lobby them?
The last couple of weeks have been advertising for European brands. It's been fine so far, organic content from actual people. But the corporations are catching on so I expect to see it ruined soon.
I was happy to learn that the snacks I always liked the most - Knoppers, Ritter Sport, Corny bars, Milch-Schnitte (Ferrero owned) - were European (specifically German minus one), as are many müsli bars! Guess you can tell Germans like hiking, huh?
It's a specific unicode character, though most keyboards don't just type it for you.
On Linux I use the Cinnamon desktop with Cinnamenu, if I hit the super key and start typing “interrobang” it selects the correct result for me quite quickly, I hit the enter key and it's copied to my clipboard.
On my smartphone I use SwiftKey which has a clipboard manager where you can pin copied text and ads a tag for it; I pinned it with the tag ib so when I type “ib” it suggests that interrobang. This works both on Android and iOS.
Also, on macOS you could use the character picker (hit the fn key on an Apple keyboard) and search it in a similar way.
Milky way is different between the us and everywhere else. In the us it contains caramel. If you want the taste of our milky way in the us you need to buy 3 musketeers.
What is die and milky way in the USA is sold as a Mars bar outside of the USA. The USA Mars bar has nuts which was sold as 'Nuts' over here in the Netherlands (though I think it's discontinued).
Website idea. Join together people who, for a small fee, are willing to ship parcels full of treats to the other side of the globe with people craving such treats. Example: I know guys in Japan who would kill for a box of Paluszki made by Lajkonik. Here we have Canadians craving Knoppers. Etc.
We don't have much in the way of chocolate selection that isn't Mars or Kraft. It sucks. Butterfinger are Ferrero, i think? So Italian owned. Peanut, but not the peanut you're looking for. Who owns Wonderbar? That's closer to a Snickers, I guess.
I actually don't eat chocolates, so it's not something I look for 😅. But one of the few I actually liked and everyone else seems to hate is this one. I would need to check in one of those places, but considering that I'm not in a central european country and we only get a very small sample of products from those supermarkets I'm not so sure. At least considering that it's a fringe chocolate.
How about Rapunzel Kokos Happen / Glücksstücke (same product, two names)? German / Ecological. The bittersweet version is vegan and tastes great, the milkchocolate version isn't.