Not conspiracy nut but I have an idea that he is causing these fires. I don't think anyone actually going out there doing this. To easy for him to remotely make it happen then he can get support making criticism of himself a crime. Hell already working Trump announced that this is terrorist activity which is bullshit in itself. Just like the illegal boycott.
Maybe now he knows why most CEO's and billionaires are content to pull the stings and fuck us over from the shadows. You can't start dismantling our democracy while throwing up sieg heils and not expect people to fight back. Dumbass.
Can fire fighters even put out the flames? The water would void the warranty of all the near by cars so it would honestly be better to just let the few burn.
I feel bad for the minority of owners who may have bought before Musk was so obviously shitty. I didn't really think of him as anything more than the usual tech ceo until the "calling a rescue diver a pedo" thing.
And I mean it's likely a very small minority, but I think a more focused protest would be artistically altering cars on sales lots, or on factory lots. Obviously a lot harder to do, so like, any tesla over no tesla? But I'd prioritize the newer models, and ones that tesla still owns or will likely have to pay to reimburse, gets you the bonus of costing them more money outside stocks/sales.
It's absolutely not a "small" minority at all, a large batch of buyers were progressives who wanted to step in a direction for a more environmentally responsible means of travel where there isn't sufficient public transport. I know quite a few personally and they hate owning it but financially, they can't just get rid of it. They've also completely stop using the self-driving after some scary swerves
They've also completely stop using the self-driving after some scary swerves
A reminder here since people get the two confused all the time, and don't understand just how little Autopilot does. Full Self Driving and Autopilot are and always have been different things. They do not use the same software stack. Autopilot hasnt really been updated since FSD started being tested outside Tesla employees, so 5+ years now. 95%+ of Tesla vehicles do not have FSD, but nearly all of them have Autopilot.
Autopilot is just Traffic Aware Cruise Control and Automatic Lane Keeping. AP is not smart, and never has been, it does not make driving decisions, it just tries to keep you in the lines and a minimum distance from cars in front of you at a set speed. There are a shit ton of vehicles on the road that do this now, spanning all the way from luxury brands down to a plain old Honda, and they have for years.
If you never bought products from a company run by an insufferable moron, you would be forced to buy directly from your neighbors for everything in your life. And even then there's always an insufferable moron nearby.