There's certain things that you can just assume are universally understood due to their crude nature. You're not gonna argue meaningfully that the Sovjet system didn't kill 20 million people in an attempt to control the population.
Good thing the Bolsheviks never did anything wrong during their rule, like genociding Poles, committing mass murder in the Baltics, ethnically cleansing Crimean Tatars, brutally crushing workers' protests and stripping them of more rights than even bourgeois capitalist democracies did, running a system of high-mortality slave labor, etc etc etc etc etc.
My source is my history teacher in secondary school, who had actually fled from the Soviet Union, and whose grandparents were dumped out of a train onto the Kirgis steppe without food or shelter by the Bolsheviks, where close to half starved in the first winter, for being of German descent.
My whole extended family on grandfather's side was killed for being jewish. My great grandfather was executed for the sin of not being executed during Holocaust.
You, personally, are trying to whitewash pretty atrocious evils, best case scenario because you're a stupid kid who don't have enough empathy.