Actually even if somehow all environmental pollution stopped at once, assuming it stops before a runaway event too, it would still take a long time for some greenhouse gasses to not have an effect. And that's not even getting into PFAS and adjacent chemicals and microplastics as macro plastics break down.
So either way, should still expect things to get worse for a while even if somehow everyone actually banded together to make things better.
PS: the math is pretty certain on some of this stuff too.
I'm aware of the ecological collapse on the horizon, things will almost certainly get worse materially for a lot of people.
Not in denial about the extent of the damage, and the consequences will not be something that is trivial to overcome.
However I think the case that is to be made is against despair, the people responsible for our current ecological devastation and unequal distribution of resources all have names and addresses, are mortal, are no smarter than any of us, and can be organized against.
Wake me up when they start trying to resist. And I don't mean the Democrats putting up bullshit protests before voting for it anyway. I mean sustained protest/strike action from the populace in an attempt to actually affect change.
As the link in the post body explains you may direct your complaints to of the r/stalker subreddit, although I'm sure they have heard about it in these past four years.
I think you want to be overweight so you can survive the famine times. I'm in great shape right now and ripped, but if we face food shortages I'm either going to die quickly or have to start eating the fat people.
I have a terrible BMI. I’ve always had a terrible bmi when I was 5-10% body fat. Because of how much muscle I have. So at the moment. I’m probably in good shape to survive the culling. I also live in the fruit bowl of America. With family managing massive farms. So food isn’t far off for us to get. But I’m still at 30% bmi with a 270lbs frame. I can go for some time for sure without food. But I’m pushing for a 315lbs bench this week. 3 plate club for the first time in a long time. 6’2 height. I’m ready.
Also I am a relative of “Sons of the revolution”. My blood has fought in every war in this nations history since the French Indian War.