Gravel ofc. Just imagine being able to provide every construction site on earth with cheap gravel with no cost at all. I'd be the first billionaire on earth who didn't fuck other people over to be absurdly rich.
Thought the same thing but it doesn't say how the gravel is obtained. I assume there's still going to be transportation costs and "life" could be as short as how long it takes to be smothered by a heap of free gravel. I am suspicious.
3 for sure. Depending on how teleporting into other objects works, and how fast you can spam it, you could get some serious work done with a power like that.
When you play Noita you discover that the way to move fast is to teleport shorter distance possible and spam it. It is also better for avoiding obstacles
For real, free gravel for life is the choice. You can start a gravel business and sell that shit. According to Google a 100ft driveway can cost upwards of $3k to gravel.
The real question is, does free gravel mean you can spawn gravel? Or buy it for free? Both require a good amount of logistical planning to take advantage of to build a gravel empire
And the minute you do it wrong you’ve fused with a fence or a steel door or something and are probably dead so it would require a ton of practice to know your limits
A manga artist would find a way to make one of these the most op power in their entire universe. "I can fill anyones lungs with gravel with just a thought" or " i teleported 5 cms into you and severed a nerve in your spine that paralyzes you for life"
The empty container depends on the definition of "container" and "empty". If a house is a container for people it's easy to rob when empty. If you have to be looking at an airless vacuum it's dogshit. Otherwise I'm sure you could make money with a creative gambling scheme.
Gravel for life, like an infinite bucket full? Or the typical "for life" shit where you just get one trailer full dumped in your driveway every year for 60 years. Probably an overrated pick.
Teleporting is almost certainly the best pick. Is there a cool down? Do you keep momentum? Can it be in any direction? Does it take the same effort as walking? If you can spam it at the speed thought, you're now flying. Even with a CD you could be a world class athlete in a lot of sports. Or just do simple stuff like reach a high shelf or teleport out of handcuffs.
Being able to see inside empty containers has its uses because you can always check if you can see into it and know something’s in it. Knowing IF something has contents can be plenty useful.
I feel as though there is money making opportunity in 8. The language is dead? Nobody alive who can speak the language, so I'd have more or less free reign to profit off of being the only person who could speak it.
Best case scenario, I find some linguist willing to pay me to help with their understanding of the language. Worst case scenario, I'm the only person who can speak this language.
Also, if nothing else, I could impress people by being the only person in the world who speaks a specific language.
Number 7 might let you cheat at some carnival/gambling games. Which of these 1000 boxes has the million dollars in it? The one I can't see through, of course!
But.. no container is truly empty.
Usually they contain air, but even in space there'd be one or two molecules banging around inside.
You'd never see anything.
Didn't think about the wheelchair thing, good point. Anyway, I got a shitty cardio, during most of his time on earth, old Albert who have beaten me in a 100m sprint.
Teleporting 7 inches still sounds kinda badass, would be very useful in a fight or you could just stand and repeatedly teleport to recreate that OK GO video.
If I grow a second nose, will it also be stuffed up? If so, I choose teleportation. I know it's only 7 inches but that's enough to get around most doors so it's still useful.
Speaking a dead language would be cool. Maybe teach it to others and read into the history, etymology and people of it. Talk to historians and what not.
"What is the meaning of toaster?" Is a powerful question. Either able to push buttons and push levers down if the intent is toasting bread, or making a heat coil glow with the intent of cooking bread. Either way, the nuclear industry would be ratically altered. Theres also just a industrial toast factory secretly sponsored by big "nuclear" deticated to making, shipping and toasting bread as slowly as possable. With propaganda for toast simmar to "Got Milk?"
Only if you are thinner than 7" minus the thickness of the door. Otherwise, you would teleport right into the door, which (I assume) might be quite painful.
Who defines what is a toaster? Could the whole universe be considered one since it heats up bread? Yes, it does some other stuff in the process but so do some other toasters.
I think 3 is the most useful. You can use it to reach things just out of your height range and maybe as a party trick. I'm sure there are other uses for it too, given enough time I could probably think of some other uses too.
There's no mention of a cool down. You can repeat it as soon as you've fully materialised at the first 7–inch destination. Assuming teleportation is immediate, and there's no refractory period, the distance limit is effectively meaningless.
Control the toaster in a smart home that's connected to the system and hack into the security system to kill the inhabitants and hand over the building to homeless and mutual aid organizations #eattherich