If there are ever no Rome shitposters on the Fediverse, be assured, I'm dead
If there are ever no Rome shitposters on the Fediverse, be assured, I'm dead

the empire died years ago
technically correct, the best kind of correct
31 0 ReplyAt LEAST several years ago.
21 0 ReplyIt's an empire, Michael. How long could it be dead for? Several years?
8 0 Reply
The Empire died seconds ago!
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After 5 years of on-and-off listening, today I finally finished The History of Rome podcast. So I'm all for as many Roman shitposts as possible.
22 0 ReplyMay I recommend the Fall of Rome podcast next. And then the History of Byzantium podcast. You're set for life
17 0 ReplyFull of 'em at [email protected]
2 0 Reply
12 0 ReplyI will never forget them for essentially killing Carthage.
12 0 ReplyIt was the best hage ever, if not necessarily the best cart..
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I followed you here from the Blahaj-debacle and must say, I'm not disappointed. Keep the coming my centurio! o7
9 0 ReplyO, Imperator!
6 0 ReplyStrength and honor.
4 0 ReplyBlood and thunder!
4 0 Reply1 0 Reply
Greatest empire in history
2 0 ReplyRome never fell, it went underground enrolled some gospel writers, and rules from the shadows of mount Olympus.
2 0 ReplyRome didn’t fall until 1453. Let’s be real - Justinian and Theodora >>>> like Caracalla.
Theodora was such a baddie that even while Precopius was trying to cancel he was clearly gooning.
Constantinople was so bussin’ that even loser crusaders got jealous.
C’mon they had chariot racing sport teams, and people would riot when their team lost - the Nike riots killing a fuckton of people. Like modern soccer fans, they took athletics very seriously!
3 0 ReplyAs long as I can write vulgar dis peoms like Cattalus 16 I'm down...
Pēdīcābō ego vōs et irrumābō Aurēlī pathice et cinaede Fūrī......
3 0 Reply