I am a trans person and have no issue with trans people expressing who they are. The mods and admins of blahaj frequently use Gatekeeping as a false umbrella ban for any user they want to get rid of. This is also discussed in yesterday's thread by some users.
The owners of that 196 space have proven they are unable to let sleeping dogs lie and are hellbent on tearing down all other instances in a tribal war, and have decided to start lurking in other spaces and preemptively banning people like reddit mods.
This is not fair moderation practices, it's a petty tit for tat because abuse in their community was called out yesterday.
Crap I forgot that comment, but I think I also commented in another trans community on blahaj so idk if it was a whole instance ban.
I couldn't see anything that said the whole instance, just for that specific space.
I wish we got messages or something like I did on reddit when this happened instead of waking up one moring to figure out you've been effectively shadowbanned with no real explanation.
YDI, go apologize if you actually care, otherwise clearly that space wasn’t for you anyway. The admin there has been very clear that such dialogue is not permitted in the space she owns and that she maintains the right to do preemptive bans. You can disagree with the rules but you can’t be butthurt that you broke them and got whacked for it.
I am going to ask here because I couldn't do it in the other one before it was locked.
Hypothetical scenario
An unmoderated instance allows people to make hate speech comments
That instance also has interesting communities, so defederation is not possible
An admin sees this and pre-emptively bans the people making hate speech comments
Would you be okay with way of moderating? I'm asking because it seems like the "despite never commenting in the community" argument gets brought up a lot, but is that really that good of an argument?
In the end, and I am sure you are aware, you pose the wrong question. “Would you be okay with that way of moderating” isn’t the question because it ignores the dynamics of federation. Ada owns the server. If you’re not okay with the moderation, you move servers, and a huge community like 196 has already shown it will move mountains to stay on LBZ.
So, the question OP should ask is “do I care enough about this space to apologize or attempt to make ammends?”
Careful with your wording, the people being banned aren't gatekeeping, that's just the bullshit excuse used and then if it's ever refuted, well then the record says they're a bigot and who cares what they think?
Considering every different space has different rules, it is unfair to force the loosely interpreted rules of one space on a totally different space.
YDI, this that you are/were doing. It doesn't matter if you are a trans woman. Gatekeeping people's identities is still gatekeeping. Blahaj bans transmedicalists so you should know better than to try and say it's okay because you're a trans woman.
In addition the whole "Just asking questions rhetoric isn't accepted either because it's what those "polite transphobes" you see on BBC use and honestly they should be banned. Not banning them is to fall for their bullshit and allow them to continue their invalidating and abusive arguments.
@[email protected] This seems like a rehash of the other locked topics. Lots of bellyaching, very little merit in them.
I don't imagine it will stay that way for long, these threads almost always become a breeding ground for people who were banned for gatekeeping or transphobia to bellyache and whine about blahaj for not allowing blatant or subtle gatekeeping.
Edit: Called it, thread is filled with whiny transphobes and gatekeepers bellyaching about being banned from a privately run Lemmy server for their refusal to follow the rules and respect others.
No, your rigid definitions and trying to decide which trans or queer people are valid is gatekeeping and as @[email protected] said, your eagerness to capitulate to fascists is harmful. Why would anyone want to welcome you with open arms to their communities when you are doing exactly the same thing that transphobes do, invalidating people's identities.
the responses + voting in this thread suggest that lemmy is full of extremely headfucked furries who think they are actually animals. the internet can be pretty bad for you
If this isn't gatekeeping, then what is it? Sparkling "just asking questions"? This is what gatekeeping is, sweetheart. It's a form of bigotry in which you tell someone, either directly or through implied statements, that their identity isn't valid. No wonder you got banned from a queer safe space. It doesn't matter how trans or gay you are, perpetuating the cycle of abuse will get you banned from queer safe spaces.
If you're unable to fathom the possibility that someone could have an identity that doesn't make sense to you, grow up. There are a lot of things that people do which seem silly in life but are an integral part of who they are. Grow the fuck up.
Edit as a warning to cis allies for this comment chain: I was a bit sloppy with my aim, sorry if you caught a stray bullet.
I have no issue with Neopronouns, they/them/it, even the humans who identify as like Xi/Xit I'm fine with even though it's a bit weird imo.
But non human gender identities is where I draw the line
I'm sorry, but I don't like transgender people being looped in with people who want to be animals, mythical creatures, and aliens. It comes off as disingenuous when these people try to insert themselves into trans spaces to get validation while trans people IRL are being put in camps.
Ironically the admins have decided what the definitons of transgender are, and gatekeep that definiton.
If you think bullying trans people into these weird guilt games is productive then maybe you should grow up, sweetheart.
I'm trans too, so it doesn't matter how many times you say you're trans sweetheart. That's not gonna work. Furthermore, unlike you, I've decided not to let the cis people define who I am. If it wasn't the otherkin and therians then it'd be someone else they'd be demanding we remove. I remember when people said enbies weren't valid. So some people decided to try to exclude enbies from the definition of being trans and you know what happened? The leopards turned around and ate their faces once they were done feeding on the enbies.
Why do you care what cis people think? That's the only reason why you'd care. That's literally the only reason why you'd give a shit is if you think being trans is some kinda fucked up badge of pride or if you're trying to tame transness for the poor, sensitive cis people. Lemme tell you, the leopard will never cease to be hungry sweetheart. Grow up and quit caring about what the cis bigots think. Stop helping them to be bigots. They'll come for us sooner or later, doesn't matter how many people you throw under the bus.
And yes, I'm being condescending because you're acting like a child, trying to tell everyone how to play the game because a bunch of bullies once told you how you were supposed to play it. Do you know what those bullies are called? Fascists. Do you know what we do with fascists? I'll give you a hint, we don't sit down and drink tea with them. Fascists are not worth the air they breath. Stop feeding them. Until you do, you are no better than they are.
Tbh, this one is difficult to make a good PTB response about.
The closest I can get is it might be YDI, because your user history does show a proclivity to the kind of arguments that blahaj regularly uses as the criteria.
But, it could be PTB instead, since your user history is also free of actual gatekeeping comments, on this account.
But you do mention that this account is one of at least two, with the intent of keeping another account specifically for blahaj that you want to protect. If that's the case, we have no way of knowing what you've said where that could be a legit violation.
Now, the screen shots provided don't show you actually violating the rules, so, it's a qualified PTB where there's a possibility that you did and I just can't see it. If that's the case, I'd reserve the ability to change my mind.
I will say though, so far everyone that's posted about this has ended up having violated that rule and it just wasn't visible immediately. It's a controversial rule for sure, and preemptive bans even moreso.
Now with that out of the way, you did ask some questions about neopronouns that I never saw get answered. I will not dive into that on this thread because that's not what this community is for.
However, having had some recent exploration about neopronouns, xenopronouns and related issues, if you shoot me a DM or make a post in a community that is for asking questions about difficult subjects, I'll gladly share what I've found regarding what those things actually mean, and would likely be willing to briefly and civilly discuss my opinion on the matter. But I don't let internet arguments go very far, so remember that I won't be debating the issue, just explaining what I've learned and my opinion, so if it gets past the point where it's two folks having a chill conversation, I'm out. And, to repeat, I won't do that here, this isn't the community for that
WTF?! YDI. You should know better than to act like that in a trans space. I myself am Nonbinary and a therian and have had to deal with people exactly like you telling me I'm crazy for it. The thing is I have species dysphoria and it's not something I can control, so calling me crazy for it is as bad as someone saying you're crazy for you having gender dysphoria. Go fuck yourself!
Apparently, transmedicalism now is "Not believing human beings are opossums" according to the Blahaj admins.
Congratulations, Blahaj, Defender of Trans Folk! You managed to bully a trans Fediverse user into leaving! That'll show them to be trans and have opinions that aren't your's!
Congratulations, Blahaj, Defender of Trans Folk! You managed to bully a trans Fediverse user into leaving! That’ll show them to be trans and have opinions that aren’t yours!
God, I can’t believe I violated Blahaj’s safe space.
When was the last time I posted on Blahaj, again?
Shouldn't talking about them in such terms considered posting on their communities?
I joined the Fediverse recently and looked for the trans community, what I found was tribalistic infighting, tone policing, and ironically gatekeeping. Literally worse moderation and vibes than the lgbtq subreddits I was on.
Is there another reddit like space people from reddit can move to that isn't the Fediverse?
petition to disallow this type of post in this community [email protected] is a valuable space for community health and accountability and i for one am not here to see snarky banned from blahaj posts
i have no problem with this kind of content existing it should just be relegated to something like c/bannedfromblahaj or something.
petition to disallow this type of post in this community [email protected] is a valuable space for community health and accountability and i for one am not here to see snarky banned from blahaj posts
Of course, power tripping isn't applicable to Blahaj.
Like a "Meanwhile on Blahaj" and we could also air other grievances. I'd make it but I don't want to moderate and I know it'll attract actual transphobes, and blahaj users spamming to bully and derail the community. If you're down for it, here's the idea.
blahaj users wont be able to fight back because everyone who posts will probably have been instance banned so blahaj users wont see their posts and if they use alt accounts they can be counterbanned for reverse ban evasion its the perfect opportunity for 1way bullying haha i hate them so much
Just block Blahaj. I did. Found out the mod there encourages identity erasure via toxic gatecrashing, and I blocked the instance.
I learned years ago that engaging with people of that mindset is bad for my mental health, and I feel so much happier not seeing that kind of thing.
There’s a 196 that’s not on Blahaj. And it’s not inactive. As for queer communities, if you really need one and that doesn’t exist outside of Blahaj, maybe make one.