every groups got a shane and you know what they say
if you dont know who the shane is in your friend group...
be the shane you want to see in the world51 0 ReplyWise words, Mr. McTruth.
27 0 Replydo not talk to me
27 1 Reply
Oh fuck
5 0 Reply
Did no one zoom in on Shane's profile pic?
41 0 ReplyI didn't until just now...
Think I should flag the post as NSFW?
25 0 ReplyNah, just saw no one pointing it out and it adds to the character.
17 0 ReplyNah, I find it assceptable.
17 0 Reply
I zoomed as much as I could and I can't tell what it is.
1 1 Reply
I'm like, nearly around the bend and solely into fringe shit but y'all are strange
14 0 ReplyJust Shane being Shane
1 0 Reply
Shane is a glutton
9 0 ReplyGo Birds!
7 0 ReplyShane is a vibe, the kids would say.
6 0 ReplyI identify as a Shane
6 0 Reply👎
2 0 Reply
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