How the fuck is Elon Musk suddenly in charge of the US Government? How are the American people OK with this? How are American politicians even OK with this?
He does and quite a lot it seems, the New York Times report it's up to 20 bodyguards and a doctor. Tesla payed 2.4 million USD for protection of Musk in 2023. Apparently they went through documents that the Handelsblatt got from Lukasz Krupski, who used to work at Tesla
American people are protesting. Politicians are either actively allowing this behavior or saying, "Oh-no, he can't do that! What he did is very bad!" Unfortunately, politicians are not beholden to the people they are supposedly representing.
A bunch of the conservatives I know professed to believe him when he said he had no idea about project 2025. Whether they were just masking or actually duped, I have my guesses.
You also usually need “standing” to sue. If you’re personally affected, you have standing. If you’re a state or local government and have your government or citizens affected, you have standing. Who has standing here?
The human suffering cost is completely amoral and the influence cost on the us should be considered treason, but that doesn’t mean there’s someone who can sue to fix it
"..the President may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled to at least presump- tive immunity from prosecution for his official acts."
Elon thinks he's pulling a Julius Caesar on us (crossing the Rubicon), but he's actually pulling a Crassus campaigning in Parthia.
I pray he ends the exact same way. There is no more fitting end...
For those of you who dont care to research. He most likely died in battle against the Parthians, but according to legend they poured liquid gold into his mouth post mortem to make fun of his avarice. Also some shenanigans with his severed head occured.
What the other guys are referring to is some later depictions where he was executed with liquid gold being poured down his throat.
Congress is neutered without a democratic majority in the house and 67 seats in the senate. Congress is basically useless. Right now, the only check on the president is the judiciary. And, shall we say, measures at the fringes.
Investigations would start in the house, and have to be signed off on by Mike Johnson. He was elected with over a 70% margin and his voters love what's happening. The other option would be John Thune, who has about a 20% margin in South Dakota, and his people love what's happening too.
Unless you can change those facts, America will become a fascist authoritarian nation.
Also even if his voters hate what’s happening there’s nothing they can do about it now. All the power was handed over and the damage is done, no amount of regret will change anything now that the GOP feels capable of doing literally whatever they want and have all these majorities.
The writing was on the wall but that country is largely illiterate so it didn’t much matter.
To make it worse, we spend almost nothing on it. They are saving pennies:
The U.S. is the world’s largest donor of humanitarian aid by far. It spends less than 1 percent of its budget on foreign assistance, a smaller share overall than some other countries.
The funny thing is most foreign aid projects are implemented by American contracting companies. A very large percentage of the money stays in the US and employs Americans. Look up DAI, Chemonics, Abt Associates, Creative Associates, TetraTech, etc. Most of these companies will go bankrupt because of these actions. In the case of Chemonics, they run a project to distribute HIV and malaria medication to millions around the world. These people will lose their medication. They also run a program to detect famine in Africa, South America, and parts of Asia
Elon Musk pushes the lie that truly homeless people don't exist. That essentially it's a choice and we should feel no empathy for them. Add to that his well-documented history of racism and weird eugenicist beliefs about IQ and superior genes that need to survive, you start to get the picture for why he thinks taking food and medicine away from the most deprived people on the planet is a priority for the US government.