The Price America Will Pay for Trump’s Tariffs | Alienating allies and partners that the U.S. desperately needs means that “America First” will be “America Alone.”
The alone part is the intention. The fact that we don't have the industrial capacity to replace all those imports doesn't seem to have been taken into account. It's going to get ugly.
From a Canadian… I like American people. I don’t want anyone to suffer. It’s been hard enough.
I’m sad that this is happening. As they said on our news network - Canadian soldiers died in Afghanistan for the US, we harboured stranded Americans after 9/11, we helped to fight the fires in California, and many other things.
I don’t want to fight with our neighbours to the south. At the same time, this is incredibly disrespectful and offensive, especially since we’ve always had America’s back. We don’t believe for a second this is about fentanyl or immigration so the President can drop the bullshit on that.
I’m disappointed that America was so blind this election and voted for Trump. I’m incredulous that your elected representatives are so spineless and money-driven. I’m shocked that there’s not more public outrage related to Citizens United, Roe, and what’s just happened with the FBI.
The best outcomes for this as a Canadian are basically that we’re going to have to ramp up our own manufacturing, and that it damages the ambitions of our own little Canadian Trumpler.
As an American yeah that's how this feels. Like y'all're our sibling country. We ain't quite the same but we watch your Letterkenny and Trailer Park Boys and we listen to your Rush and Barenaked Ladies. We slip up as 18 year olds to get a drink just like yall slip down to get something with less taxes. Hell I used to date a lady in Ontario. Im about to stay with a Canadian-American friend for a month or so when I move. Canada isn't my enemy, it's my neighbor. Now, some Canadians are my enemy, but that's because my enemy was propagandizing in Canada too.
I used to dream of an American Union like Europe's because of course we should have a bond like that with our northerly neighbor. I'm so mad at so much about Trump, and like I can see why he's pissing off Denmark, they're mostly allied to our better half. But Canada, Canada was our ride or die. When we did the right thing Canada joined us, but same for the wrong thing.
For what it's worth, I'm not fighting you and they can't fucking make me. I can't stop anything by myself but I'll lay down and die before I participate. Of course I don't intend to just lay down and die, but if it's that or join the cult, I know what I'm choosing.
I have said it, screamed it, written it down even...they do not make money when the economy is good. Look at their increases in wealth during the pandemic, they make the most money while you are struggling to pay for groceries. None of what is happening has anything to do with America or the American people, it is all first and foremost a cash grab.
Downvote me, tell me how I am wrong and I will sit here and laugh my lilly white peckerwood ass off while politicians on both sides and the uber-rich fleece this country for everything it has. Good luck out there, if the doomsayers are right it's going to get real ugly real fast.
This is a pretty blatant transfer of wealth from the average American to private industry. Tariffs are paid by the consumer and these tariffs will bring in an additional $140 billion in government revenue this year. Meanwhile public services are being gutted and Trump has promised massive investments in AI, semiconductors etc.
It's basically a shake down. Give us your money, you're getting nothing in return for it, and we're going to put it all into this speculative investment which may or may not succeed
They're done with US citizens, they're here to strip mine it. They want to bring our quality of life down to match the rest of the world, not the other way around. Get ready to be burning electronics for precious metals.
My dad been screaming that we Americans need to start working for income they get in China and that we need have same work culture. IE get rid of OSHA and regulations. He loves Trump and watchs OAN for his news. That and Tiktok.
I want US hegemony to evaporate. That is really the only way we come out of this. It gave the US decades of influence militarily and financially around the world. We showed everyone how hypocritical we are as a country. How little we actually do to improve the world despite constantly preaching that we do.