He literally just wants to avoid paying for CA wildfire recovery.
The hilarious thing is that the biggest FEMA beneficiaries are red states and these climate change related disasters are externalities of the way red states do business.
This would just help him avoid having to help every state. He would still make special arrangements to help the people who helped him. He's entirely corrupt.
how many states have fully-staffed and funded equivalents ready to deploy on a moment's notice to a large-scale emergency? probably count 'em all on one hand, while simultaneously giving lord diaper the bird.
'federal' assistance will be there in time for hurricane season.
I assume all states have a state level Emergency Management Agency - they must, right? Right?
It’s the funding that’s the hard part. Just like any other insurance type of scheme, there will be incidents too big for the individuals to manage, which is hey we pool our funds to better handle them. I’m sure there are local emergencies they’re ready for, but what moron really thinks their state is prepared to handle a major hurricane, for example
No it wouldn't. He already said he wants to move to a direct grant model. Red states get more, blue states get nothing unless they make conservative concessions.
That information only comes from looking into this at more than just a surface level and developing an opinion based on your gut, which Trump is incapable of doing. So the red states are screwed.
Every function the government fails to provide is an opportunity for people to pay for a commercial alternative. Where functioning countries provide national healthcare, Americans can pay private companies. Shutting down FEMA is an opportunity for companies to offer new kinds of disaster insurance, an opportunity for Trump-branded temporary housing, Trump-branded search & rescue. The list goes on.
Oh well he'd like to know about the Homeland Security Act of 2002. That's when we took FEMA and merged it with Department of Homeland Security and mixed all these neat book keeping tricks. Like this one where border patrol has to get money from FEMA for particular payments related to housing capture illegal border crossings.
Now you may ask, "Why on Earth would we do something like that?" Well, because 9/11! That's why!
Yeah, for the folks who were trying to beg for reason and a level head in the aftermath of the worse terrorist attack on the United States, they would be right up there with Trump about how FEMA since 9/11 has slowly converted into a red tape mess. I don't think anyone in FEMA will debate that the red tape is a good thing.
But that's about as far as Trump goes in being right before he gets to:
I’d like to see the states take care of disasters
States WOULD NOT take care of them. They would just create various insurances that they would require citizens to pay into. And then those funds would be at the whim of the State Government not being corrupt, which for the southeastern states (I'm in one of them, Tennessee) that would be like asking a cocaine addict to be in charge of the cocaine evidence.
sniff sniff I have no idea why all these criminals keep going free! sniff snifffffffff
I mean I don't know, maybe we ought to bring back tar and feathering our local politicians. I thought we could move past that point, but you know, shit sometimes the old ways work best.
FEMA just hasn’t done the job
FEMA has done exactly the job that Congress has legislated them to do. If FEMA is failing in someone's opinion, we needn't look any further than Congress.
He also said individual states should be in charge of directing response to natural disasters rather than FEMA, and that the federal government should only step in subsequently to provide funding.
This is overly simplified. States know best where things are hit hardest and what the priority for rebuilding should be. FEMA will absolutely use their decades of experience in disasters to help state governments get the most out of their funds. If I was to try to make a metaphor here. States are in the driver's seat, FEMA will act as the GPS, and Congress is the gas tank. FEMA will try to get the most mileage out of your gas tank as possible, but States can totally change course and FEMA will try it's best to plot a good destination based on the new course given the limited amount of fuel the State has.
As always, it's a subject that is complex that Trump feels that the complexity doesn't deserve to be address but instead done away with and make the complexity someone else's problem.
Considering the last two assassination attempts on this orange Nazi came from his Nazi base, just think if his base didn't get a government handout after being hit by another man made climate disaster.
I been starting to wonder if the first one was deliberately allowed to happen, in the hopes it would make him a martyr. Just felt real odd...
And as someone else said elsewhere in the replies, I have little doubt his base would be given special dispensation, while any blue state will be left to fend for themselves.
You do realize that most of these are not just "ideas," they are fully-formed Executive Orders, penned by the Federalist Society, specifically to be released in week 1.
These are real things that are already in progress...
Not only that, they have already announced their alternative is to FEMA. It's federal block grants for each emergency instance. That way they can give more to red states, and tie aid to whatever conservative policy they want to implement in blue states.
Dipshits voting for donvict because "muh egg prices", "gEnOcIdE", general racism and misogyny, or because they actually thought donvict would do something for America....donvict just told all of them and everyone else - FUCK YOU if you get hit with a disaster, you're on your own.