Well, I can at least claim that I can legitimately claim an oft-unused spot on this diagram through being one of the probably select few who has ever put an edge on a spoon.
Look, some of us have a brand to maintain, you know?
Also, perhaps now is a good time to dredge up this.
Does anyone know where I could get a knork and spife set? We're too lazy to grab a knife from the draw so just use the side of the regular utensils anyways
Perennial camping-stuff manufacturer Light My Fire do indeed make a Knork, which is the first example that leapt to my mind. They may call it a "spork" but the fork end has a (butter-grade) knife edge machined into one side of it. As an added bonus, you get a whole entire unmolested spoon on the other end, too. Anyone who is cool enough to count would surely get the titanium version, which may just barely achieve enough rigidity to actually cut anything.
I used to have one but I lent it to somebody for a camping trip -- damned if I remember who -- and never got it back. Oh well.