I wish Heliboard was usable, but it has so many small but show-stopping bugs or omissions.
I know, I know. Should fix it myself and do a pull request. Hopefully one day got time for that, like fixing the over-scaled emoji picked (that breaks kaomoji due to the scaling) or the lack of a search box there. It's easily the closest FOSS keyboard to the big two (Gboard and SwiftKey), so with a bit more work it could really compete with them I feel.
Really? I've been using Heliboard (as a replacement for florisboard) and I have had literally no complaints works just as well as gboard did for me. I 100% recommend Heliboard I think its 10/10
Gboard combines Japanese and German in a way that is properly usable. I wish there was a better alternative. That being said, support for east Asian languages (and easy switching) isn't relevant for most.
I rely on the glide typing to much, and all I've tried don't feel as smooth. But I'm on GrapheneOS and disallowed internet access to GBoard, so while not great, it's fine for now
The addition of an option is a good reminder for you to talk about your book. Fine.
GBoard is still king for those of us who use 3 languages at the same time.
Unrequested suggestions and virtus signaling are sooo annoying...
That "g" stands for Google. You don't pay for Google products, so you are the product being sold. You touch your keyboard often. You press sensitive and embarrassing things into it.
There's a bug dating back to October that made Heliboard unusable for me, because it cuts off half of the keyboard in landscape. Looks like it just got fixed but hasn't been rolled out yet. Meanwhile heliboard is just really bad about learning new words (tends to think capitalized words are a different word and adds them to the dictionary when you start a sentence with them, can't seem to handle autocorrecting to a word with an apostrophe). I gave up on it and went back to Gboard and I don't think I'm going back. Honestly I'm real frustrated with the state of android keyboards right now. Swiftkey used to be awesome but MS ruined it. Gboard is better than it used to be but it barely has an options for customizing it. I don't know anything better.
Wow, it took them this long to include a backspace button? Jeez...
(yes I only read the headline, no I'm not going to read the page, yes I think it's funny, and no I don't care that you don't. thanks for coming to my ted talk.)
Still waiting for them to give me the option to make the keyboard automatically switch to floating in landscape mode (like it did before for a short period of time!) rather than do this:
I'm hoping it works well. Biggest thing keeping me from switching is how easy it is to switch to Japanese and Chinese, as someone who enjoys music in both languages but can barely speak any. This will definitely help if I accidentally deleted something in either of those languages while looking up a song or trying to translate something. Or just if I'm typing on my txt file app and accidentally erase something I need, since the app has no undo buttons.