President-elect Donald Trump has delivered a likely death blow to bipartisan congressional budget negotiations, rejecting the measure as full of giveaways to Democrats.
Norquist has been enthusiastic about Musk’s ability to generate public attention for efforts to reduce the size of government. But he suggested that the owner of a space rocket company wasn’t the right person to spearhead a congressional spending debate.
“He doesn’t know politics like he knows physics,” he said.
Hey dude. He doesn't fucking know physics either. Not any more than a 12 year old who's played KSP for a couple days. He's a pseudointellectual.
Elon Musk actually has a bachelor's in physics. Dunno when he got it, but he does know more than your average person. He's still a huge mega douche canoe sock monkey tho.
Was it given to him as a 'you're such a wealthy good boy oligarch' gift by some dipshit dean? Or did he genuinely earn it?
I'm actually asking. I have no idea.
I ain't a gambling man, but I know where I'd place my bets.
I looked it up. Snopes says true, but man, is there a fuck ton of inconsistencies and a large donation to penn state.
Headcanon is he sucked dick for it.
This is the best thing we can hope for this administration. Complete and utter chaos. Hopefully they’ll be so busy in fighting and firing and rehiring and sexually assaulting people that they can’t fuck shit up too bad.
The sound of Musk is music to my ears. He is an incompetent and overconfident. A great way to get nothing done. Of course voters do not hold politicians to their promises, but if they did hiring Musk would be a great way to ensure failure.
Jeffries is correct that it will be the Republicans fault but none of them will acknowledge it nor care. They will lap up whatever lies Trump and company come up with and we'll all be screwed.
I wonder how many attempts on Musk's life there have been that the public hasn't heard about. I imagine being among the wealthiest people alive makes you a target even without all of the meddling in politics Musk has done.
I hope there isn't even an attempt, that he's instead snuffed out by something stupid like a battery fire in that dumb little tunnel he made where you can't get the car doors open.
It will affect their paychecks. Same with the military and other essential services. Generally, they can't shut down those offices, but they also can't pay them except in cases where the money was already put into accounts for paying those things.
Airport security checkpoints etc. will slow to a crawl. The TSA agents may be forced to show up, but they can’t be forced to work at their normal pace.