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'Brain-in-a-jar' biocomputers can now learn to control robots
  • we absolutely should not do this until we understand it

  • Scheduled downtime for on July 1, 2024
  • Where is the donation page?

  • Canada 'sleepwalking' into cashless society, consumer advocates warn
  • You just cash the check somewhere lol. Physical paychecks have been the default in all but one of the jobs I've worked

  • Hammer and firing pin
  • You gotta pull the trigger on the hammer while you're swinging it or it doesn't count

  • Hammer and firing pin
  • I hope the hammer has a trigger on the handle, too.

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • You're either trolling or too stubborn to evaluate new information that might change your position.

    Medicare For All is not free healthcare, as in on the government's dime, it is entirely paid for by taxes. (Unless you actually object to free healthcare as in being able to go to the hospital when you need it for free, which is too ludicrous to be sincere.) The only reason it seems "free" is that the total operating cost of the system without the middleman of private insurance is significantly lower than our existing healthcare spending.

    Most households would significantly increase their spending power throughout the year by eliminating healthcare premiums, deductibles, copays, and prescription costs in excess of $200 a year, and would only see a smaller increase at tax time. Those who would be paying more in total are very wealthy households who would be paying primarily at tax time, and frankly many of those households have not been paying their fair share of taxes already, so I find it hard to see that as a bad thing.

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • You're either trolling or too stubborn to evaluate new information that might change your position.

    Medicare For All is not free healthcare, as in on the government's dime, it is entirely paid for by taxes. (Unless you actually object to free healthcare as in being able to go to the hospital when you need it for free, which is too ludicrous to be sincere.) The only reason it seems "free" is that the total operating cost of the system without the middleman of private insurance is significantly lower than our existing healthcare spending.

    Most households would significantly increase their spending power throughout the year by eliminating healthcare premiums, deductibles, copays, and prescription costs in excess of $200 a year, and would only see a smaller increase at tax time. Those who would be paying more in total are very wealthy households who would be paying primarily at tax time, and frankly many of those households have not been paying their fair share of taxes already, so I find it hard to see that as a bad thing.

  • What is a product that didn't live up to its advertised claims?
  • have you tried plain soda water? the carbonation might make it interesting enough to be drinkable even though it's flavorless. if you get a drinkmate or something like that it's fairly cheap to make at home

  • How to make a month go by as fast as possible other than sleeping
  • So you're having trouble relaxing before bed?

    I would recommend either finding a book you like to read before bed, or perhaps if you are so inclined, doodle or sketch. Something that requires focus, but isn't intense, so you will still be able to tell when your body is ready to rest.

  • Dropbox now requires login to download a shared file
  • Only other thing I can think of is the specific mobile device/browser combo isn't properly requesting the desktop site. Or there is somehow an entirely separate sharing option that is functioning differently

  • Dropbox now requires login to download a shared file
  • Then I would question whether the file was shared correctly by the uploader. I shared a file from my Dropbox, setting it so anyone with the link could view, and was able to download it from desktop view on mobile Firefox (in incognito mode)

    There is an option to require a password to view the file, is there any possibility that that was set in your case?

  • Dropbox now requires login to download a shared file
  • If you were to look at the average cloud storage usage per user, split by free or paid, I think you would find that free users are using rather less space in total than you'd expect

    But I agree, I did some of their cute ARG stuff for extra space when they were still acting like a startup and otherwise haven't paid them a cent.

  • Dropbox now requires login to download a shared file
  • That's pretty scummy. It doesn't require login on desktop view.

    Two workarounds:

    1. enable desktop view, then you can close the login prompt and zoom way in to find the actual download button
    2. easier, change dl=0 to dl=1 at the end of the URL and it will bypass all of that and download directly.
  • Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Is Priced At $60 USD
  • I know totk was one, I guess I just assumed that a few more had come out at that price point

  • Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Is Priced At $60 USD
  • I mean, technically, it's cheaper now because of inflation, but that's more pedantic than even I care to be

    but yeah, last few nintendo games have been $70 I think so there have been rumors that it's the new norm for the big N

  • Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Is Priced At $60 USD
  • But that's not full price. Full price is $70 now. :(

  • Japanese man grows extra-lucky 63-leaf clover
  • Hopoo Games are going to have a field day with this.

  • My earphones' cable has grown a pimple. It popped today.
  • I feel like you maybe should replace those...

  • Twitch banned Dr Disrespect after viewing messages sent to a minor, say former employees
  • Twitch probably doesn't care beyond reputational damage/liability.

    a settled lawsuit between Twitch and Beahm, where neither party admitted to any wrongdoing, and his contract was paid.

    In fact it sounds like Twitch made an effort to keep it quiet, which was successful until these former employees spoke out (hope they don't suffer consequences)

    Edit to add: Which is not to say there couldn't be separate consequences. It's just not going to come from Twitch. I'm sure a certain three letter agency is quite a bit more interested in Beahm now.

  • Fedia Discussions subignition

    Periodic issues connecting to


    Every so often, when I try to browse to through my browser bookmark, I receive an error resolving the domain. Firefox suggests but navigating there gives me an HSTS error (picture attached, hopefully.)

    Usually, if I check back 15 minutes or so after this occurs, will load normally, and then actually loads the landing page for:

    > Books.Infosec.Exchange > A Bookwyrm Instance for Infosec.Exchange

    I'm not quite sure if this is an issue with my network or a problem with the instance itself. However, I thought I would report it. Let me know if there is any other information I can provide that will be helpful in figuring this out.


    [US] Looking for some ideas for freelance work / "side hustle"

    Title. I found out recently that I need some major dental work in the near future and I don't have a damn clue how I am going to raise the extra money. I want to explore any realistic options for increasing my earnings before I have to resort to taking on debt, and I suspect that soliciting ideas in a semi-public place like this will turn up a lot of ideas I would never have considered myself.

    I'm not very physically fit, but I am pretty good with computers generally, and I've picked up a little bit of programming in my free time this year, though I wouldn't sell myself as a freelancer in that department or anything. I am also pretty good at proofreading / nitpicking things, my regular job is in QA.

    Thank you in advance for any input.
