Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, the leader of the Texas Senate, said he will move to ban all forms of THC people can consume across the state.
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, the leader of the Texas Senate, said he will move to ban all forms of THC people can consume across the state.
I'm honestly surprised no one has swatted Joe Rogan. Seems like it could be funny except the pigs probably wouldn't do shit because he's rich.
The police almost certainly know his address. He doesn't just live with the plebs, he lives among the rich people.
I strongly believe that he has a bro-greement with Ken Paxton and the Governor that they just look the other way on his weed consumption.
This dickhead can take his backwards-ass religious sanctimony and fuck a cactus.
If that ever happens I'll gladly contribute to the GoFundMe for that cactuses therapy sessions.
This is what your neighbors voted for, Texas. If you know anyone who couldn’t be bothered to vote last election, I recommend that you tell them to get off their lazy ass.
I thought Texas was all about freedom.
I have the freedom to walk down the street and legally buy some weed.
Texans don't.
Maybe conservatives aren't all about freedom like they say they are. Seems like their representatives spend all their time trying to limit freedoms.
Oh well. Sucks to be a Texan.
Free dumb
I don't partake, but I am nonetheless infinitely glad to have left that hellhole of a state this past summer after 42 years.
Conservatives almost coming to terms with the fact that government regulation has a purpose.
Good, do the entire country until every cannabinoid is thoroughly tested by the FDA.
Not even /s. I'm serious. I suffer from CHS disease and I know four others that do as well. This shit isn't safe for everyone. We need to find out why, how, and how to mitigate it. Until then, this shit is straight posion.
well your weed is obviously coated in pesticides, whereas...
You're just going off of what you've been told by your source. Most of the shit I vape has lab results too. It doesn't matter. This shit hurts some people, and those people need to know. Cool if you've been smoking for 20 years with no ill effects, but not everybody is you, not to mention we probably shouldn't be hitting mystery sticks with "trust us bro" ingredients inside them in the first place.
There isn't a single warning in your dispensary and I haven't even walked into it to see.
Not even /s. I’m serious. I suffer from CHS disease and I know four others that do as well. This shit isn’t safe for everyone. We need to find out why, how, and how to mitigate it. Until then, this shit is straight posion.
Why are you backing a ban on THC instead of just a warning? Are you also backing a ban on alcohol for the same reasons?
That's wild, I've been smoking/vaping weed almost daily for decades and it's the first time I heard of this.
Still, it would be far more effective to mandate prevention in dispensaries than banning weed (again) because of this. As you must be well aware it's really easy to find even if it's illegal, and street dealers sure as shit won't talk about this to their clients.
Nah. Grow your own if you're that worried. None of us is forced to smoke, but I do need to take medicine I can rely on. I want the government involved in one case, but not very much the other.
Do you understand the difference?
You're just wrong about the warning thing. Every time I buy I am handed a pamphlet detailing the risks of consuming concentrated THC. It's law here in Colorado. And a giant waste of paper.
Agree with you that there needs to be a lot more testing (I myself will only buy solventless weed concentrates), but I appreciate the freedom to make my own choices about what I consume.
If the Feds would get their head out of their ass and decriminalize it, there would be a huge torrent of research over the next few years.
Red40 isn't safe for everyone either. Neither is gluten. Neither are peanuts.
I get what you're saying, but the FDA isn't going to protect the outliers. That's not what they're there for. They're there to show general safety, and that's more than proven at this point.
At best you'll get a label on the peanut butter that says "may contain peanuts." Sorry, I mean a label on the weed that says "may contain cannabinoids".
Why do you feel that people can't make this decision for themselves?
Comment chains like these are why I love Lemmy
let your cringe flag fly
Alcohol first.
You could just idk not use it if it makes you feel bad.
Do you want to ban alcohol too because it has an effect on everyone?
How about peanuts? Some people can't be around peanuts should everyone thus stop eating peanuts?
So smoking weed makes you throw up a bunch? Ive never heard of anyone suffering from this until now. Couldn't you just not smoke weed? Is someone forcing you and your friends?