"It looks like"
Ah yes. The only fucking argument these "history" conspiracy types ever have. And it usually dont even "look like" the thing at all. Or only in one specific image from one specific angle
It's unusual to see such recent dates in a conspiracy. Like, America exists when this nuclear winter supposedly happened. I'm also surprised to not see a reference to Libyan desert glass and its unknown origin.
That's also literally the only thing they're right about.
There's another pyramid which was around the same height as the third of the three famous pyramids that include the Great Pyramid that's basically gone entirely.
Edit: Because someone has downvoted me, now I have to explain it.
Helium is a noble gas; it doesn't bond with anything. It's also lighter than air (at ground level), so if it was just free, it would rise. So how come I can go buy a tank of it and fill balloons?
Radioactive uranium and thorium decay, and when they do, they release an alpha particle. An alpha particle is two protons and two neutrons. This is the same as a helium nucleus. When these alpha particles are released, they capture electrons from the environment, and now you have helium.
When high concentrations of uranium and/or thorium are found near natural gas seams, it's possible for the helium to become trapped in the top of the seam. It's then possible to collect that helium as a byproduct of natural gas wells.
Almost all of the world's helium is produced in an area around San Antonio, TX.