For the younger folks who missed it, the text is an Airplane! (1980) reference, which itself was a parody of Zero Hour! (1957).
39 0 ReplySurely you can't be serious.
23 0 ReplyI am serious...
22 0 Reply
This plane has four engines. It’s an entirely different kind of flying, altogether.
25 0 ReplyIT'S AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT K- oops, just read your username, sorry.
20 0 Reply
I just wanted to say. Good luck, we're all counting on you.
21 0 ReplyOh stewardess, I speak jive
2 0 Reply
Is that Rick Moranis?
14 0 ReplyIt is. Rick Moranis is a hero, love that man.
9 0 ReplyIsn't this the guy who shrunk his kids?
13 0 Reply
Can't have been a good week to quit sniffing glue.
13 0 ReplyThey’ll all have to be taken to hospital
7 0 ReplyHospital? What is it?
8 0 ReplyIt’s a big building where they treat sick people - but that’s not important right now.
12 0 Reply
Captain, how soon can you land?
6 0 Reply
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