People say this every time it happens, and AAA game developers have been putting out unfinished broken crap for exorbitant prices for well over a decade, now. Don't preorder after starfield, don't preorder after cyberpunk, don't preorder after fallout 76, don't preorder after anthem, don't preorder after...
Oh wait, there's a new game coming out soon, I should preorder, can't wait to play it!
The people saying it are generally not the ones supporting the practice, unfortunately the vast majority of gamers just don't care and buy whatever big thing is marketed to them or hyped up through streamers/youtubers.
See, I'm reading this while contemplating buying the space marine 2 pre-order so I can bring justice to heretics before I realize the game has flaws at all.
Frankly at this point if you're preordering a game (especially one which they started selling before even revealing gameplay footage) you need to see a finance counselor.
Who TF would spend that much on any game? Steam set the standard price for a fully developed, AAA game at $50 back in the late 2000s. To this day I refuse to pay more than that for a game. If a game is more than that on launch, I wait for a sale.
When you preorder a game you’re paying for something a bunch of people in San Francisco haven’t even finished making yet. You know what you get when your preorder a game Kyle? A big dick in your mouth.