Meh, this reads more like an Android approach than a SteamOS approach to me. Make your stuff really open source and develop it in the open and you got me. Otherwise I will stay with "real" Linux.
First off, what the fuck are those buttons? If I'm buying a controller, the point is buttons. That shit is just touchscreen minus screen and out of the way. I may as well buy a tablet at that point.
I’m very sceptical. I’m fine with their launcher being proprietary, but when they utilize FOSS then just contribute to projects and improve the whole ecosystem. Without exclusivity.
Lie about SteamOS being locked to Steam on their front page is immediate red flag. Yes, it’s Steam-first, the easiest way of running games is, well, through Steam, so obviously it doesn’t offer painless controller friendly way of installing games from other store fronts, but at the same time nothing is locked here and other launchers or games from other stores work fine on SteamOS. The point is fair, but the word choice is ass.
And how exactly integration with something like Epic or GOG would be „first class citizen” without official support/agreements? Do they plan deals with Epic? Is their CEO happy to suddenly support Linux or is it going to be locked down to just the platform? If it’s unofficial, how it will work from the legal standpoint that they advertise potentially paid software with other companies brands as if it was official?
If there will be any form of exclusivity, the PR will be horrible
@mr_MADAFAKA Are they using a single plate for the D pad like those awful modern track pads, or are those super tiny buttons? Either way, those controls look like garbage. Absolutely would not buy.
While steam os is really open I do like the idea of it not being tied to steam. "Games you’ve bought from the Epic Games Store are first-class citizens, too" this is closer to the linux ethos. Hopefully they have a good release.
Yes that's true but the steam deck doesn't ship with heroic so those games are not as easy to access as a steam game. An os that has a neutral platform is better than one that favors a certain vendor.