Qubes! Holy hell, that's a blast from my past. I didn't contribute or anything, to be clear, but I did use it and enjoy it while I did. It's a really interesting way to handle security.
Women Who Code and Girls Who Code are different nonprofit organizations.
They’re run by different people and have distinct goals (WWCode: supporting and empowering women who are in the tech industry; GWC is focused on getting more women into tech by providing opportunities to learn programming to girls).
How is that bad? The girls get a foot into Raytheon that they probably wouldn't anyway, because the industry is sexist. And Raytheon gets to pad their diversity numbers and still have high quality employees.
It's like the hangman problem, but with skill involved... yes they make things that kill people. That's the entire point. Where else do people think their freedom comes from, other than others having to dream up death and destruction. I think broadening their workforce might lead to less damaging ideas, that's the hope usually with these initiatives.