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gregorum gregorum
Posts 59
Comments 5.6K
Plex sunsets 'allowed without auth' setting.
  • Yeah, I have had some personal issues which have kept me from keeping the community alive.

    I really could use some help! Just stick to the rules and make sure others do, too!

    Also, there’s a Plex release forum, and if you fav it, you get email updates on every Plex release/update before it gets posted anywhere. It contains the platform, version number, and a new/fixed list. Subscribe to this, and use it for new version posts. I’ll chat with you more re: tweaks if they’re needed!

    Edit: Welcome aboard!

  • Trump Has Few Ways to Overturn His Conviction as a New York Felon
  • I’d say that he owes it to the world

  • Even old, crusty Klingons know to celebrate diversity. Happy Pride! ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈
  • Oh, so it’s gonna make up for 60 years of shitting on queer people as long as Seven gets her own command.

    Thanks for clearing that up

  • Even old, crusty Klingons know to celebrate diversity. Happy Pride! ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈
  • Go gaslight someone else. I’m not as stupid as apparently you are.

  • President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June
  • The only incivility is your blaming victims for defending themselves. And for that, your hypocrisy is glaringly, obvious, you massive piece of fucking shit.

    How do you even live with yourself?

  • President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June
  • It always strikes me a strange that mods, like you don’t consider the incessant trolling to be incivil, only the self-defense to be incivil.

    How much victim blaming can you stomach before you acknowledge you’re a disgusting hypocrite?

    You are a vile piece of fucking shit.

  • President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June
  • You're the one

    Your obsessive compulsion to keep digging in to an argument you lost hours ago is your fault, not mine

    And I will continue pointing out this absurd, childish mistake, every time you stupidly reply.

    You lost this argument, the moment you commented. Every comment you make henceforth is just a piteous plea for both attention, and your own redemption, neither of which will ever come

  • President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June
  • I’m sorry this may be the first time that someone finally stood up to you and told you that you’re bat shit fucking insane, but this is actually quite a normal reaction to the type of person you are, and the things you said.

    If you wish to continue your behavior, expect more of this. I certainly am not going to stop calling you out.

    Lmao at you blaming me for your actions. Wow

    YOU choose to stop with your lies and hallucinations. YOU choose to stop replying with your mentally-ill suppositions. YOU alone are responsible for you actions.

    And I will continue to hold you to account until you stop. Don’t like it?


  • President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June
  • You should take your own advice

    You’re the one who came here, with your crybaby tantrums, and spread your dirty diaper mess all over a rational conversation. Don’t blame me for your actions.

    I am not to blame for your mental illness. If you cannot exercise enough self-control to keep your mouth shut, I am not responsible for that.

    As such, it is your choice to reply with whatever delusional hallucinations you can muster, and I’ll respond by reminding you as such.

    You started this thinking you could “win “some thing. I will end this, ensuring that you will learn a new definition of losing.

  • President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June
  • You should take your own advice

    You’re the one who came here, with your crybaby tantrums, and spread your dirty diaper mess all over a rational conversation. Don’t blame me for your actions.

    I am not to blame for your mental illness. If you cannot exercise enough self-control to keep your mouth shut, I am not responsible for that.

    But I will forever be here to dish out the consequences.

  • Even old, crusty Klingons know to celebrate diversity. Happy Pride! ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈
  • Well, when they only exist to die for plot points and their only character developent exists to service the convenience of the moment— yeah, clearly these characters are only important as a matter of plot convenience, not as actual people.

    It’s cheap, shitty, and shallow. And if you don’t see that for what it is, I feel very bad for you. but I feel worse for all of the LGBTQ audience members who are fooled into thinking that this is progress. It’s fucking trash.

    Trek has only evolved from “lgbtq people are invisible” to “lgbtq people are expendable for the sake of ratings”

    They only acknowledge us to murder us horribly in order to yank tears.


  • Russia Declares War on ‘Mediocre Actor’ George Clooney
  • When you come down from your drug trip, let me know what you took. Clearly you had quite an extraordinary time.

  • President Joe Biden calls on LGBTQ+ community ‘to wave their flags of pride high’ this June
  • Would you be willing

    I’m not interested in indulging your hallucinations or drug induced hypotheticals. I Live it here, today. And if you’re not willing (or capable of) to deal with reality, then you clearly are not capable of having a rational conversation.

    Let me know when you’re out of rehab

  • Even old, crusty Klingons know to celebrate diversity. Happy Pride! ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈
  • “No u!”

    An argument that is the last recourse of the desperate.

    Best wishes to your family and friends. I know how difficult it can be to deal with someone as disturbed as you.

    I hope you live somewhere that provides free healthcare.

  • Russia Declares War on ‘Mediocre Actor’ George Clooney
  • I'm not sure

    And that’s where you let your delusion take hold. See… you made up a fantasy world in which you invented a situation that didn’t exists but in which I was wrong in a way you could rationally counterargue— but this was only a fantasy.

    In reality, you’re just a troll.

    Take your seething rage back to Reddit. They love irrational trolls there. You might even get paid by Trump!

  • Russia Declares War on ‘Mediocre Actor’ George Clooney
  • So, when you have no rational argument, you throw around lies and false accusations.

    How does that usually work out for you?

  • Russia Declares War on ‘Mediocre Actor’ George Clooney
  • Admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery. Congratulations.

  • Russia Declares War on ‘Mediocre Actor’ George Clooney
  • The only bold thing here is your presumption that I bare any responsibility for your mental illness.

    Get your shit together

  • Infinite diversity in infinite combinations ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈


    Even old, crusty Klingons know to celebrate diversity. Happy Pride! ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈


    Q'plah 2024! 🏳️‍🌈


    Shout out to Eugene V. Debs - the first incarcerated person to run for US President

    cross-posted from:

    > Shout out to Eugene V. Debs - the first incarcerated person to run for US President

    11 Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN

    The pontiff reportedly made the homophobic remark in a closed-door meeting last week as he told Italian bishops that gay men shouldn’t be allowed to train for the priesthood.

    Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN

    cross-posted from:

    > Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN > > >“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others,” the Vatican said in a Tuesday statement. > > >“As he (Pope Francis) has said on several occasions, ‘in the Church there is room for everyone, everyone! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone.’” > > Seems like they’re playing it off as “grandpa had a woopsie”.

    3 Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN

    The pontiff reportedly made the homophobic remark in a closed-door meeting last week as he told Italian bishops that gay men shouldn’t be allowed to train for the priesthood.

    Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN

    cross-posted from:

    > Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN > > >“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others,” the Vatican said in a Tuesday statement. > > >“As he (Pope Francis) has said on several occasions, ‘in the Church there is room for everyone, everyone! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone.’” > > Seems like they’re playing it off as “grandpa had a woopsie”.

    6 Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN

    The pontiff reportedly made the homophobic remark in a closed-door meeting last week as he told Italian bishops that gay men shouldn’t be allowed to train for the priesthood.

    Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN

    cross-posted from:

    > Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur during a meeting with bishops | CNN > > >“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others,” the Vatican said in a Tuesday statement. > > >“As he (Pope Francis) has said on several occasions, ‘in the Church there is room for everyone, everyone! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone.’” > > Seems like they’re playing it off as “grandpa had a woopsie”.

    entertainment gregorum Morgan Spurlock, documentary filmmaker behind 'Super Size Me,' dies at 53

    "Today the world has lost a true creative genius and a special man," the filmmaker's brother said in a statement. "I am so proud to have worked together with him."

    Morgan Spurlock, documentary filmmaker behind 'Super Size Me,' dies at 53
    0 Morgan Spurlock, documentary filmmaker behind 'Super Size Me,' dies at 53

    "Today the world has lost a true creative genius and a special man," the filmmaker's brother said in a statement. "I am so proud to have worked together with him."

    Morgan Spurlock, documentary filmmaker behind 'Super Size Me,' dies at 53

    What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?

    It’s an Ubuntu downstream maintained by Linux box maker System76 which is targeted for both general usability and design/media applications. They will soon be debuting their own home-spun desktop environment, Cosmic DE, which is highly anticipated by the Linux community.

    How does the community here feel about this distribution and the company that has brought it to us? How do you feel about the projects that they’re working on, and their goals for the distribution moving forward?


    I just finished setting up Linux Mint for an old buddy of mine on his old dog of a laptop, rendering it useful once again!

    Edit 2: to everyone suggesting an SDD: i know. Look, if this guy had enough $$$ for an SSD, he could buy a used lappy less than half the age of this one that has an ssd and 2-3x the memory.

    Currently, my buddy has a budget of $0, and, if he ever has money to spend, it will be on a newer computer, not upgrading this one. Thx!


    My buddy’s old laptop was useless running Windows 7. I wiped it, put on Linux Mint (MATE), and it’s humming along just fine.

    Edit: I really love helping people out like this. This guy is in his late 60s and has no other computer. He told me he hasn’t been able to use it in years (I believe it!), so I told him I could wipe it and make it usable again. He was thrilled!

    After trying LM Cinnamon, I found it was a bit too much for this machine (Core 2 Duo “Penryn” @ 2.3GHz, 2.77GB Memory, Intel Series 4 Integrated Graphics). I reinstalled with LM MATE, and found it more responsive. I did the standard secondary installation of all the goodies like multimedia codecs, TTF support, battery tweaks, etc. I set up snapshots and the firewall, and installed UBlock Origin in Firefox. I updated everything. Shockingly, the battery still gets about 90-120 minutes, which blows my mind. The damn thing is 18 years old!

    So, it’s still slow to launch stuff, as it’s running off of a slow HDD, but it manages to run most things just fine. It’s certainly far more responsive than Win7, and it enables my buddy to enjoy safe, secure, and modern web browsing (which is pretty much all he uses it for).

    53 Israeli airstrikes on Rafah begin despite mounting ceasefire pressure

    Gazans thrown into confusion by Hamas’s acceptance of a deal, followed by Israel’s sceptical response and bomb attacks

    Israeli airstrikes on Rafah begin despite mounting ceasefire pressure

    cross-posted from:

    > Israeli airstrikes on Rafah begin despite mounting ceasefire pressure

    0 Israeli airstrikes on Rafah begin despite mounting ceasefire pressure

    Gazans thrown into confusion by Hamas’s acceptance of a deal, followed by Israel’s sceptical response and bomb attacks

    Israeli airstrikes on Rafah begin despite mounting ceasefire pressure

    cross-posted from:

    > Israeli airstrikes on Rafah begin despite mounting ceasefire pressure

    1 Israeli airstrikes on Rafah begin despite mounting ceasefire pressure

    Gazans thrown into confusion by Hamas’s acceptance of a deal, followed by Israel’s sceptical response and bomb attacks

    Israeli airstrikes on Rafah begin despite mounting ceasefire pressure

    May the Fourth be with you 🖖🏻

    cross-posted from:

    > May the Fourth be with you 🖖🏻

    0 GOP-led Arizona Senate votes to repeal 1864 abortion ban, sending it to Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs

    A similar repeal of Arizona's 1864 abortion ban passed the GOP-controlled House last week, and Gov. Katie Hobbs has said she'd sign the measure.

    GOP-led Arizona Senate votes to repeal 1864 abortion ban, sending it to Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs

    > Two Republicans, TJ Shopes and Shawnna LM Bolick, joined all 14 Democrats to pass the measure, sending it to Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs' desk.


    You can see body fluid stains on hotel bedding (and other surfaces)-- ALWAYS

    So gross!


    The ability to turn dead leaves into bland, sugarless chewing gum without any discernible flavor


    The ability to poo glass shards at will

    Thanks to u/PhlubbaDubba for inspiring the idea!


    cats respect you, but still ignore you
