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Rules for this Community

As we have seen a rise of toxic behavior we have decided that it would be time for some rules. We would love other ideas too and feel free to discuss it here.

Also we are thinking about, to put in an Automoderation tool that could help us a lot. Because its currently not easy for us to scan every new comments and reports are rare currently. We want your opinons on that too, because its important to us that this community is based on the people here.

The shortlist that we have currently as idea for the Rules:

  • Be Kind to each other
  • No Hate speech
  • Dont harass people
  • No Racism, sexism and any other discrimination
  • Dont attack other people just because they have differnt opinions (Stay on Topic)
  • Do not double post

Guidlines for Posting

In the absence of a flair system on lemmy yet, let's try to make it easier to scan through posts by type in here by using tags:

  • [meta] for discussions/suggestions about this community itself
  • [article] for news articles
  • [blog] for any blog-style content
  • [video] for video resources
  • [academic] for academic studies and sources
  • [discussion] for text post questions, rants, and/or discussions
  • [meme] for memes
  • [image] for any non-meme images
  • [misc] for anything that doesn't fall cleanly into any of the other categories

I have copied that idea from another community. I forgot which one so sorry!

Feel free to discuss that here, I would like that change because it makes it a lot easier


What to do about America’s killer cars What to do about America’s killer cars

The country’s roads are nearly twice as dangerous as the rich-world average. It doesn’t have to be that way

What to do about America’s killer cars

THE NEXT time you are stuck in traffic, look around you. Not at the cars, but the passengers. If you are in America, the chances are that one in 75 of them will be killed by a car—most of those by someone else’s car. Wherever you may be, the folk cocooned in a giant SUV or pickup truck are likelier to survive a collision with another vehicle. But the weight of their machines has a cost, because it makes the roads more dangerous for everyone else. The Economist has found that, for every life the heaviest 1% of SUVs or trucks saves in America, more than a dozen lives are lost in smaller vehicles. This makes traffic jams an ethics class on wheels.

Each year cars kill roughly 40,000 people in America—and not just because it is a big place where people love to drive. The country’s roads are nearly twice as dangerous per mile driven as those in the rest of the rich world. Deaths there involving cars have increased over the past decade, despite the introduction of technology meant to make driving safer.

Weight is to blame. Using data for 7.5m crashes in 14 American states in 2013-23, we found that for every 10,000 crashes the heaviest vehicles kill 37 people in the other car, compared with 5.7 for cars of a median weight and just 2.6 for the lightest. The situation is getting worse. In 2023, 31% of new cars in America weighed over 5,000lb (2.27 tonnes), compared with 22% in 2018. The number of pedestrians killed by cars has almost doubled since 2010. Although a typical car is 25% lighter in Europe and 40% lighter in Japan, electrification will add weight there too, exacerbating the gap between the heaviest vehicles and the lightest.



Transporting heavy/bulky stuff?

How do my fellow car-free people deal with moving heavy/bulky items without a car? What are the pros and cons of solutions you've tried?

I'm currently car-free in a city with decent public transportation (by American standards), but things are still very, very car-centric, and also a bit hilly. Living alone, I can manage weekly groceries with a backpack + 1 bag on each shoulder, but it's definitely not my favorite activity. The decent grocery stores are 1 mile (1.6 km) away, so a bit of a hassle to just go to more frequently. For heavy, shelf stable items, I usually try to get those delivered, but it's not always an option.

I also have 2 cats, plus I foster cats/kittens, so I very frequently need to transport animals to/from the vet. I have a backpack style pet carrier, but that doesn't cut it when I have to transport multiple adult cats or a mom + kittens.

I would love to hear other people's experiences, and the pros & cons of various options that you've tried. Some more detailed questions on my mind:

  • Do you prefer something you can push or something you can pull?
  • How annoying is it to transport when empty?
  • How does it hold up to less than ideal weather?
  • How does it handle stairs or curbs without a ramp?
  • How does it handle poorly maintained sidewalks or unpaved surfaces?
  • Is it well made/durable, or something that will probably break in a year?
  • If it has pockets or segregated compartments, have those been handy or just annoying?
  • Are there any uses that it's not a good fit for?

Edit: any non-bike options? I don't have the space to securely store a bike in my unit, and my building doesn't offer any secure bike storage. Due to all of the hills, I would have to get an electric bike, and was hoping to find some options in the range of $50-$200, maaaaybe $500. For example, I've been looking at collapsible carts/wagons, and pet strollers.


My Dangerous Walk to School in the USA

Despite living just 1 mile from my elementary school, I never walked or biked once - let me show you why.


Ford Patent Could Make Driving New Cars A Horrible Experience


Car brains, citing vague "freedom of movement," often say that it should be OK to run over protesters on highways. In turn, it should be legal to set fire to cars parked in bike lanes.

74 Council’s £51m car park can’t be used … because there’s no road in

The commuter belt scheme in Oxfordshire has 850 spaces but no access to the nearby main road

Council’s £51m car park can’t be used … because there’s no road in

cross-posted from:

> > A car park built for £51 million in Oxfordshire is lying empty because a council cannot connect it to the main road. > > > >Planning problems are preventing motorists from using the 19-acre park and ride scheme in Eynsham until funding is secured to link it to the A40. > > > >Aerial photographs show the 850-space site devoid of vehicles, despite its finished glossy tarmac, bus stops and green spaces. All major construction work was finished in January, followed by landscaping last month. > > > > Although the car park could be cut off from the main road until 2027, local authorities have contracts to maintain it every week, cutting the grass and topsoiling and seeding when necessary. > > Archive


Everett True will smite reckless fool drivers (Sept 1, 1914)

cross-posted from:

> This cartoon was printed 110 years ago today on September 1, 1914. > > World War 1 was in progress, though it wasn't called that yet. On the Western Front, Imperial Germany's invasion was underway and the French and British armies had been in retreat for almost a week. Among the engagements of this day was a skirmish near Néry, where a dismounted British cavalry division fought a dismounted German cavalry division. The outnumbered British forces prevailed, and three British soldiers were later awarded the prestigious Victoria Cross. The French and British forces continued to retreat, but they were doing so in an orderly manner, and in a few days they would be ready to counterattack in one of the most significant battles of the century. > > Meanwhile, in rapidly-urbanizing America, Everett True was beginning to wonder if cars were a good idea after all.


Happy Friday!

August critical mass


YIMBYism Just Might Be a Political Juggernaut

It became very obvious after starting this channel that probably the biggest motivating force for people who care about urbanism is, simply, the fact that places with great urban qualities are often so unaffordable. Enter YIMBYism, the movement that says the more neighbors, the better, and the more people who can afford to live in a city, the better it is for everyone.


Utrecht, Netherlands, now and then

cross-posted from:

> Another picture > > !


Labour is right about LTNs – the Tories need to learn the same lesson | Andrew Gilligan Labour is right about LTNs – the Tories need to learn the same lesson

For all the initial noise against low-traffic neighbourhoods, most people like them and they can benefit the public purse

Labour is right about LTNs – the Tories need to learn the same lesson

Emotional support truck

Emotional support truck, blocking the sidewalk, sticking out into the road and with an empty driveway infront of it.


Frustrated with Driving and the Lack of Public Transportation

Hey everyone,

I'm just here to vent a bit, even though I know words won't change anything.

I'm from Saudi Arabia, where public transportation is almost nonexistent in most cities, including mine. I think Riyadh has some options, but overall, it's just not popular. So, like many others, I have to drive every day and fill up the gas tank weekly, if not more often. I absolutely hate wasting time driving.

When I say there's no public transportation, I mean it, no buses, no metro, nothing. There's a railway, but it only connects a few cities, not all.

Sure, Uber or taxis are available, but let's be honest, who can afford that for an entire month? Owning a car is much cheaper in the long run, especially for running errands for the family.

Driving stresses me out, especially at night with the bright headlights and fast speeds (most roads are 100 km/h, or about 62 mph). My daily commute to university takes an hour, and the traffic is terrible. I have to stay fully alert the whole time to avoid accidents, so by the time I arrive, I'm already exhausted, and of course there's no time to rest because classes start right away. I lose two hours every day just driving, time that I could be using to read, chat with friends, or even watch a movie if I were on public transportation.

I don't really have a solution to this problem, but does anyone else? It's becoming unbearable. Just to add, I don't have any close friends to carpool with. I once thought about sharing the driving with someone, but most of us have other commitments before and after college. In my case, I also have to drop my siblings off at school and pick them up later.


Malaysia to acquire trains via $3.18b leasing deal with China | The Straits Times Malaysia to acquire trains via $3.18b leasing deal with China

The government aims to acquire 62 new passenger train sets. Read more at

Malaysia to acquire trains via $3.18b leasing deal with China

Waymo cars honk at each other throughout the night, disturbing SF neighbors Waymo cars honk at each other throughout the night, disturbing SF neighbors

San Francisco resident Randol White says he heard the noises for the first time about two weeks ago -- he was woken up around 4 a.m. to the Waymos honking at each other.

Waymo cars honk at each other throughout the night, disturbing SF neighbors

I'm constantly dodging lesbian orgies whenever I try to find a seat in an Amtrak


Researcher looking for participants for investigating recently produced cars that may share personally identifying information. David Choffnes (@[email protected])

Attached: 2 images Hello! My lab is running a compensated research study and crowdsourcing participants. The purpose of this research is to investigate recently produced cars that may share personally identifying information. These “connected cars” are recently produced cars that include always-on...

David Choffnes (

>David Choffnes >@[email protected]

>Hello! My lab is running a compensated research study and crowdsourcing participants.

>The purpose of this research is to investigate recently produced cars that may share personally identifying information. These “connected cars” are recently produced cars that include always-on internet connections, collect and transmit data about the vehicle and the driver, and incorporate companion smartphone apps.

>If you decide to take part in this study, we will ask you to request your personal information from your vehicle manufacturer, wait for the manufacturer to provide you with your information, review the data to confirm that you are comfortable sharing the data with the research team, and then share the provided data from the vehicle manufacturer with the research team.

link in the toot


Carspiracy - You’ll Never See The World The Same Way Again

> Our world is built up of roads and cars to get us to our destination! But what about cycling and even walking? Have we been brainwashed to think that the car is always king? > Si goes on a deep dive into just how we are convinced to think that modern car culture is acceptable in our lives!

Historical centre turned into giant parking lot😮‍💨
  • I grew up in a town in Ohio where the famous abolitionist John Brown (hanged in 1859 after his abortive raid on Harpers Ferry) had built a tannery in the 1840s 1835 that was still standing in 1976. To celebrate the bicentennial, the city council had it condemned and torn down, to make way for ... a parking lot. Hilariously, the council claimed it was a danger because it was about to collapse, but it took three days to demolish and they had to bring in special heavy equipment to do it after their wrecking balls failed to make a dent in it. This thing had been built with massive 40-foot long oak beams with 12"x8" cross-sections that showed no signs of rot (my dad salvaged a piece of one of these beams and set it up as a bench in our garden, and it was still in good shape in 2012 despite being outside the whole time), so it could have easily been preserved as a historical site. In fact it had been declared an official historical site by the state just days before its destruction but the town council simply ignored that.


  • Noise Pollution ruins quality of life
  • KC’s got a huge group of crotch rocket and ATV riders that pull this shit at wildly inappropriate times, riding on sidewalks as well as blowing through red lights.

    I still think the cringiest noise issue around here though is the neighborhood’s designated shittiest DJ lugging around a huge ass bluetooth amp and blasting his shitty rap music right across the street from my bedroom window.

    I swear to god if that thing ever gets in range of my phone I’m connecting and blasting ABBA’s Arrival at full fucking volume.

  • Noise Pollution ruins quality of life
  • Somewhat.

    If the poster themselves removed it, then no - these usually shows up as "deleted" rather than "removed" (but not always). Sometimes apps that don't properly pay attention to the removal request can still see these, but I know of no effective way to view these routinely, short of spinning up your own instance and archiving not only every post and comment but also all of their edits as well.

    For mod removal, you can check the modlog (for your instance here, or the one for Lemmy.World, both of which theoretically should show the same contents, but in practice they don't for whatever reasons). Note that is the entire modlog for the entire Fediverse, so it requires filtering to find the specific post/comment that you want to know about. The Lemmy devs could help people see the modlog much easier, but they don't. They don't seem too big on such democratic efforts, and very often simply ban people outright, from the entire instance including communities they've never once visited, if you ever criticize what they say or if you say something that they do not agree with. Though they did recently release a feature to allow mods to do this - further increasing the power of the establishment, while leaving common plebes like us to have to filter the modlog (which also can hide the identity of the mod who removed it).

    Ergo, I would not hold my breath waiting for this feature. At least not on Lemmy, but perhaps from the more democratically-managed PieFed or Sublinks or Mbin or such... I could really see that happening for those?

    Edit: oh but for text like the "removed", hell no, that's also a lost cause - at least, again, on the Lemmy codebase, unless you use an instance that decides not to implement the language filtering.

  • Noise Pollution ruins quality of life
  • I'm assuming he is talking about the biker gang episode, in which case he is probably talking about the F-word (meaning the slur against gay people).
    Personally, I think having a filter against slurs is not unreasonable

  • Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor
  • We had some winners in my city a few years ago.

    Here's my favorite quote from that article:

    “The money is in the car,” Comrie insists. “Who’s the spender? Does a bicyclist go and buy sporting goods, or furniture, or clothing? Or are they just out for a ride?”

    Does this guy think cyclists are sitting naked in empty apartments wishing they had clothes and furniture? Luckily he did not win the election.