I hope when it's released you can turn off the MMO features and play solo. I just want to get high, bomb hills, and watch my dude get all of his bones obliterated like the good ol days. I don't need some clown decked out in a $100 dinosaur costume telling me I suck ass to heighten the experience.
I haven't tried it in awhile, but tried it a few times over the years and always preferred Skater XL (just felt more like Skate to me), but I need to see how Session has progressed.
One of my favorite Skater XL mods is the ability to go into slow-mo whenever you start a trick. Really cool/fun. Also really satisfying to make your own skateboards in the game.
If the promotion of mtx.is jarring or overwhelming then even limiting to cosmetics sucks. If something ends and there are multiple click through screens encouraging players to by mtx and other ads within the game to buy the mtx it can become a chore to ignore. Even if gameplay itself is not impacted, the things that happen outside of gameplay can deag down the whole experience.
An example would be those stupid unskippable season pass screens where the bar goes up slowly and it reminds you of what you didn't get becsuse tou didn't buy the season pass. A few seconds each time, sure, but it adds up and is clearly trying to goad you into spending money. That shit sucks even if it limited to cosmetics.
I would rather pay $60 to own and be able to fully play the game. However, my response came from my perception of surprise and doom-and-gloom by the community when we already knew it would be free-to-play.
How is this news? This news the plan all along, they were quite vocal about it. Free to play games are always funded by mtx.
I know this is an unpopular opinion here but I think the game looks dope, having followed development since the beginning. The animations look sick and I’m always there for another skateboarding game. I just won’t buy any skins.
I have to say, I was pretty neutral on this coming in, but reading all the people posturing anger while clearly not having any awareness of what the game is supposed to be or even reading the article is getting kind of annoying.
You can spend real-world money on a virtual currency called San Van Bucks, which in turn is used to buy cosmetic items.
I hate this but if it's just cosmetics and the game price is fair I'll be ok with it. I know the price is going to be a full on AAA release and they will still cram this into it.. but I can hope.
lol, imagine a studio developing a game for half a decade and then just sharing it out.
"Don't tell our staff, but it was a labour of love and they're all being let go because we're out of investor funds. Also don't tell the investors. Or the publisher. In fact don't say anything until we've made it to Montenegro."
I recently saw a documentary that talked about conditions at EA even back in the 90's turns out I never cared for an EA game ever. I cared about the studios making them despite the fact that EA made ridiculously stupid choices.
Soon EA new game will be like old upgrades game you want the start button 5$ the setting button 10$ save slot that be a 30$ with 5$ more for all additionnal one
I don't play skater games, but like whats so wrong with all the old ones? Didn't they just remake Tony Hawk? How can these games be so different? I get playing 'new' games in your favorite genre, but I feel like you can only do so much with this formula, kind of like guitar hero.
New environments, new tricks, higher quality graphics, fixed bugs, runs on the current console (since backwards compatibility isn't always a thing). Multiplayer, if Skate 3 didn't have it already.
...Yeah. I just read the playtest email like 5 minutes ago and saw that. The way they worded it like it was an opportunity is also Pretty Shit™ lol. I almost hope the game sucks now so I don't have to be conflicted about it.
As per the article, they're refunding all purchases at launch.
It's a free to play game, there is absolutely nothing newsworthy about this. Path of Exile 2 just launched on early access with a bunch of microtransactions AND a paywall and people were absolutely delighted with it.