I can’t imagine ever working on any project that large. Most of your people will essentially have zero communication with each other, and release a half-assed overbudgeted product as a result
Used to work at Rebellion on their IT team. Genuinely a fantastic place to work and the owners seemed to always be super chill. Had a full suit of armour in one of their offices and so many weapons lying around (likely blunt replicas but still really cool).
I wasn't on the game dev team so can't speak for them but I was personally never pushed to work harder and often explicitly told to take breaks.
We also used to have large Unreal Tournament matches at lunch.
Just discovered that channel, and was like "how is this funded??" So I looked him up and what a pleasant surprise it was to see his place in the game industry!
So what I really want is a game that gives me a sense of achievement, and with the vaguest possibility that I actually might finish it. And so it'd be really interesting to know how many games are actually finished, and how many games are just abandoned by what proportion of people.
It can be fun to go to an achievement/trophy tracker and compare the numbers for the awards for first and last story missions.