I had the same card number for ~15 years, then it changed for reasons I forget (same bank, and actually changed more than once). I can still remember the old number. I have no idea what the new one is.
Same except the exact opposite of this where all I want is to go to a store and leave a wad of cash there in exchange for stuff. No registration. No order notifications. No newsletter. No tracking. No hoping the delivery driver forgets to crush my package. Simply, money exchanged for goods and services.
Sorry sir we can't accept cash unless you have an account on file, may i get your address, phone number, email, occupation, social security number, mothers maiden name, and an emergency contact? You'll have to sign our terms and conditions to make an account. We also need 2 credit cards on file in case the cash turns out to be counterfit. Please read our newsletter and fill out the survey for a a chance to win a $5 gift voucher valid until the end of the month.